My Unexpected Journey

This week’s blog comes to us from the McCarthy Center’s new Americorps VISTA, Thea Karakalos! We’re excited for what her skill set and personal experience will bring to the position as she completes her Master of Arts in Higher Education and Student Affairs here at USF! My name is Thea Karakalos, and I am the…

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“Code on Point” at Success Centers

In this week’s blog, our outgoing VISTA Community Liaison, Sudeepto Chakraborty, recounts his experience of working with the Success Centers SF, a leader throughout the San Francisco Bay Area for education, employment and art programs. With his research and development hat on, Sudeepto speaks to the challenges of working with the Education, Employment & Training…

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Engaging Existence

In this week’s blog, we hear from our newest Americorps VISTA, Sudeepto. He dives into to why he is Engaged, as a VISTA, and as part of the McCarthy Center team! I do not recall if it was a Big Bang moment or a gradual dawning of awareness that I exist. Thence my awareness recollects…

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