The next several weeks are shaping up strong! Check out the many exciting opportunities to hear from environmental experts, connect with others in the MSEM community, and advance your own education and career goals.

April 4: USF’s 13th Annual José de Acosta Lecture on the Environment

Peter Goodwin, retired President of the University of Maryland Center of Environmental Science, will present on “Recovering large ecosystems in the face of climate change and increasing uncertainty.” Learn more and secure your spot here.


April 5:  MSEM Info Session

Ready to level-up? Learn more about our program, our community, and the opportunities they can unlock by registering for our next information session.

April 8: U.S. EPA Career and Environmental Justice Webinar

The MSEM program will have a discussion focused on career pathways and environmental justice developments at the U.S. EPA – led by CJ Mishima (MSEM ‘20), who’s the EJ lead at U.S. EPA Region IX, and Camille Weber, USF alum and outreach coordinator for U.S. EPA Region IX.

Get ready to go big for Earth Week!

USF MSEM Earth Week Events

April 22: Climate Policy w/ Rhianna Gunn-Wright, Director of Climate Policy at the Roosevelt Institute

Our own MSEM director, Professor Stephanie Siehr, will be in conversation with one of today’s leading voices for positive action on climate policy, racial equity, and public power. Learn more about this can’t-miss event here.

Honor’s College Distinguished Guest: Rhianna Gunn-Wright
Honor’s College Distinguished Guest: Rhianna Gunn-Wright


April 23: USF Earth Week Fair 

Join the fun at Gleeson Plaza, 11am – 1pm. Rock out with bike-powered bands. Learn about the USF Community Garden. Come for the beehives. Stay for the goats. 

April 24: MSEM Expert Dialogue on Offshore Wind: Wind & Watts, Wings & Water

What role can offshore wind play in meeting California’s climate goals? Hear from leaders in the USF MSEM community on multiple dimensions of this topic: energy and policy, community and ecology. 6 – 8pm.  Reserve your in-person spot or register to join online.

May will be here before you know it – so mark your calendar now.

May 1: MSEM Application Deadline

Learn more about the program requirements and start – or finish – your application here.

May 16: Master’s Project Presentations & Celebration

Already? Almost! This year’s cohort of students completing the MSEM program are hard at work finishing their capstone research projects. From remote sensing to climate justice, blue carbon to green buildings, this will be an evening filled with thought-provoking discussions and well-earned congratulatory toasts. 6 – 9pm. Save the date.