Congratulations to all of the Spring 2024 MSEM graduates! This group recently presented their Master’s Project research and celebrated with the MSEM community, and then donned their robes for the USF Commencement ceremony.

Spring 2024 MSEM Graduates: Master’s Project Research and Celebration

An event we look forward to each year is the evening Master’s Project Research conference and celebration, where graduating MSEM students share their applied research presentations in a professional conference style and the MSEM community comes together to celebrate – fellow students, faculty, staff, alumni, incoming students, friends and family. It’s a time to recognize the hard work these students have put into their research – on topics ranging from blue carbon and coastal restoration to remote sensing for managing invasive species to community solar for health and justice… and more. The breadth of topics and depth of insights represented in this year’s research were impressive and inspiring – see the full list below.

The Master’s Project Research Conference and Celebration brings together members of the MSEM community
The Master’s Project Research Conference and Celebration brings together members of the MSEM community

Special thanks to this term’s Master’s Project Advisors: Professor Aviva Rossi, Professor Simon Scarpetta, and Professor Stephanie Siehr, who helped the students shape their research and refine their presentations.

Additionally, at the reception following the presentations, the MSEM community celebrated this year’s student award winners:

  • Elizabeth Sekelsky, honored with the Joe Petulla Award, which is presented to one graduating MSEM student each year, in recognition of outstanding academic achievement and a Master’s Project that demonstrates a significant contribution to the environmental field.
  • Wyatt Farino, recognized as an honorable mention for the Joe Petulla Award
  • Kenneth Rangel, honored with the Award for Academic Excellence
  • Nicholas Rowlands, honored with the Award for Academic Excellence
MSEM Director Professor Stephanie Siehr with 2024 Joe Petulla Award winner Elizabeth Sekelsky
MSEM Director Professor Stephanie Siehr with 2024 Joe Petulla Award winner Elizabeth Sekelsky

The full list of Master’s Project research presented this Spring, which will soon be available for download here

  • Alessandra Navas: Assessing Threats and Protections for the Elusive Marbled Murrelet on Land & Sea
  • Callie Totaro: PFAS Exposure and Human Health Risk Management – A Policy Review
  • Cheri Tse: Using Virtual Power Plants to Advance Decarbonization and Energy Equity in California
  • Cristina Vance: The Impacts of Atmospheric Rivers on Communities in Northern California: Assessing Flood Management Strategies and Differences between Unincorporated and Incorporated Communities
  • Elizabeth Sekelsky: Crafting Community Solar Programs to Alleviate Energy Burdens and Empower Communities in Virginia
  • Elizabeth Tautges: Releases of Hazardous Materials and Waste from Transportation Incidents in the U.S.: An Analysis to Increase Environmental Resiliency
  • Elizavyeta Dmitrieva: Rising Waters, Resilient Solutions: Exploring and Assessing Sustainable Floor Mitigation Strategies in Response to Rising Sea Levels in Boston
  • Jeffrey Beaudoin: Elevating Urban Landscapes: The Role of Green Roofs in Enhancing Biodiversity and Addressing Climate Change in California
  • Kenneth Rangel: From Pixels to Plants: Monitoring California Invasive Species Using Remote Sensing
  • Maria-Cristina Kealey: U.S. International Climate Finance: An Analysis of Historical Shortfalls and a Proposal for More Equitable Distribution
  • Matthew Agustin: Strategies for a Lighter Carbon Footprint in the Cement Industry
  • Michaella Sena: The Potential for Southeast Florida’s Coral Reef Tract to Enhance Climate Resilience of Ecosystems and Communities
  • Mousame Azad: Managing the Environmental and Socio-economic Impacts of Rohingya Refugees in Bangladesh
  • Nicholas Rowlands: An Inventory of Tidal Marsh Restoration Opportunities in Humboldt Bay and the Impact on Greenhouse Gas Emissions
  • Skyler Seamons: California Almonds as Climate Change Resilience
  • Wyatt Farino: Forest Regeneration and the Quantification of Ecosystem Services After Wildfire
Graduating MSEM students share their applied research presentations in a professional conference style

Big thanks to MSEM program manager Tiffany Yang and program assistant Maggie Morant for making this Spring’s event so special.

To our 2024 graduates, welcome to the community of MSEM alums who are leading environmental management efforts for so many agencies, businesses, organizations, and institutions around the world. We can’t wait to see what you do next… and look forward to hearing all about it!