Group photo of 5 award winners from left to right: Elena Galkina, Casey L. Fritz, Nicholas Graves, Cole Resitrup, and Adeline L. Ford

Pursuing a Master’s degree while working takes a lot of dedication. Students in the MSEM program are always inspiring to us as their goal is really to make a positive impact in the world whether it be through ecology, water management, energy and climate, environmental justice, policy, assessing health and hazards, and so much more. This past week we had the pleasure of listening to the Master’s Projects from each of the Spring ‘23 graduates and their work was truly representative of their commitment. We want to first give a HUGE congratulations to all the grads for accomplishing what they set out to do and to the instructors who supported these students throughout their MSEM career. We also had the pleasure of awarding five students for going above and beyond in the MSEM program.

The MSEM Academic Excellence Award recognizes students with the highest level of academic achievement. This year’s winners are:

Casey L. Fritz

Adeline L. Ford

Elena Galkina

Nicholas Graves

Your work ethic and accomplishments are admirable and we are so happy for each of you!

Next up, we have the honorable Joseph Petulla Award that is presented to one graduating MSEM student with outstanding academic achievement and a Master’s Project that demonstrates a significant contribution to the environmental field. This contribution may include a novel analysis, an outstanding synthesis, or work that enhances our ability to manage the environment in a sustainable and responsible way. This award is named in memory of Joe Petulla, who started the MSEM program at USF in the 1970s and directed the program for 15 years.

Photo of Joseph Petulla Award winner, Cole Reistrup, hugging another MSEM graduate.

Our winner for the Joseph Petulla Award this year is Cole Reistrup whose Master’s Project “Considerations for the use of mycorrhizal fungi inoculants in coal mine reclamation and reforestation in Appalachia” shows incredible commitment to the environmental field and we cannot wait to see what he pursues next.

We have two honorable mentions as well, Hannah F. Bartee and Nicholas Graves for their respective Master’s Projects “Increasing Access and Sustainability for Overnighting along the Bay Area Ridge Trail” and “Composite Climate Risk Exposure in High-Emitting California Industries” 

Please join us in congratulating these students whether you know them in person, see them in passing, or connect via LinkedIn. And once again, congratulations to all our grads!