Speech #1 Sources

“Why We Need More Research Into Cycling and Brain Science”



“Riding Is My Ritalin: How One Cyclist Gained Control Over His ADHD”



“How Cycling Will Help You De-Stress Better Than Medication”


  • “In addition to this, high amounts of cycling means that your body is going to start producing other chemicals as well. These include cannabinoids which are the same type of chemicals that can be found in marijuana. So if it is not legal in your location, cycle a lot and you should be able to get just as high.”


“The cycle path to happiness”


  • “It’s not a new sensation. In 1896 at the height of the first cycling boom, a feature in the The New York Times said this about the activity: “It has the unique virtue of yielding a rate of speed as great as that of the horse, nearly as great as that attained by steam power, and yet it imposes upon the consciousness the fact that it is entirely self-propulsion.”
  • “Several studies have shown that exercises including cycling make us smarter. Danish scientists who set out to measure the benefits of breakfast and lunch among children found diet helped but that the way pupils travelled to school was far more significant. Those who cycled or walked performed better in tests than those who had travelled by car or public transport, the scientists reported last month. Another study by the University of California in Los Angeles showed that old people who were most active had 5 per cent more grey matter than those who were least active, reducing their risk of developing Alzheimer’s.”

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