From the very moment I set foot on campus, a wave of inadequacy swept over me. Surrounded by such inspirational peers who effortlessly advocated for themselves and others, I couldn’t shake the feeling that I was out of place. USF was my sanctuary from a past filled with trauma and violence, but it also burdened me with a heavy cloak of insecurity. Now, on the cusp of leaving, I’m brimming with excitement for what lies ahead, knowing that I have the chance to make a meaningful impact and shield others from similar hardships that I experienced before. Without the unwavering support and encouragement of my peers and university staff, I would have never realized the potential I have to create a lasting impact, nor would I have found the inspiration to continue shaping a better future. Most significantly, my time at USF illuminated the fact that I was never alone in my struggles; witnessing the resilience of those around me has fundamentally altered my perspective on the world.

Being the first in my family to attend college, the path to becoming a lawyer seemed shrouded in mystery. Accustomed to self-reliance, I never foresaw the wealth of support, advice, and heartfelt conversations awaiting me at USF. Professors generously carved out time not only to support me with professional wisdom but also to provide a nurturing environment where I could seek emotional solace and guidance. These encounters painted a hopeful picture of the future—a future where mutual support, both professional and emotional, forms the bedrock of our collective journey.

While I am always going to be grateful for the priceless advice and guidance that I have received from these role models, the most lasting memories that I have made at USF can be credited to my peers who were not afraid to be vulnerable but still willing to take risks. My voyage of self-discovery and growth at USF has been nothing short of transformative. Initially feeling like an outsider among peers who effortlessly navigated college life, I grappled with insecurities stemming from my past. Yet, the supportive fabric of the USF community, woven with threads of peer and faculty solidarity, gently guided me toward empowerment and resilience.

Among the myriad lessons learned during my time here, one stands out vividly: I am not alone in my experiences. I have achieved personal growth in the delicate times that I have mourned with my peers. The moments that I was able to connect with a classmate over shared traumas and experiences were the moments that I felt most validated as a human being. Furthermore, the camaraderie and tenacity exhibited by fellow students and university staff have significantly shaped my worldview, fostering a deep sense of belonging and shared purpose.

As I stand at the threshold of a new chapter, I carry with me the invaluable lessons and cherished relationships cultivated during my time at USF. Reflecting on my journey, I am consumed by an overwhelming sense of hope for the future. In a world often fraught with challenges and uncertainties, the unwavering support and solidarity within the USF community epitomize a vision of collective empowerment and legitimate social change. It is a future characterized by unity and mutual upliftment, where individuals come together to navigate life’s complexities with resilience and determination. In essence, my USF experience has not only equipped me with the skills and knowledge necessary to pursue my aspirations but has also provided me with a profound sense of community and resilience that I hope to share with other generations.

With hope as my compass and determination as my fuel, I eagerly anticipate navigating through life’s myriad adventures, secure in the knowledge that I have a supportive, Jesuit community standing steadfast by my side every step of the way. I realize that the depth of my growth and learning extends far beyond the confines of the classroom. It’s in the quiet moments of reflection, the late-night conversations with friends, and the shared experiences of triumph and setback that I truly discovered the essence of my journey. USF provided me with not just an education, but a community, a family that lifted me up during my lowest moments and celebrated with me during my greatest achievements. The bonds forged here are unbreakable, and the impact of this institution will forever resonate within me as I venture into the next chapter of my life. This is exactly what a hope-filled future looks like to me.

ARIANA RAMISH graduated USF in May 2024 as a sociology major and legal studies minor.