Pierless Bridges

The Joan & Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought & the Ignatian Tradition

Introduction to the Issue

Accompaniment is our broad theme for Pierless Bridges 2023. In honor of an Earth Day event co-hosted by the Lane Center, let us turn to a briefing from the Laudato Si’ Research Institute housed within Campion Hall, the Jesuit college… Continue Reading →

No One Dared To Join Them

A reflection preached at the Service of Evening Prayer for the University of San Francisco’s Prophetic Communities Conference Many signs and wonders were done among the people at the hands of the apostles. They were all together in Solomon’s portico…. Continue Reading →

Desire Grounds Jesuit Education in Personal Experience

Too often we assume human desires are unruly, untrustworthy guides for life. Plato long ago provided the tale of the chariot pulled in different directions by the horses of desire, powerfully neighing for dominance in human hearts. As we shall… Continue Reading →

Voices of the Board: Mike Lehman

In our 2022 issue, we lifted up the writing of Lane Center Board member Carol Miller, S.N.D. In this issue, we are featuring reflections from founding board member Mike Lehmann, shared during a recent conversation. An economist by training, Lehmann… Continue Reading →

The Jesuit Commitment to Care For Our Common Home: What New Perspectives?

The environment played an indispensable role in shaping the life and spirituality of St. Ignatius. Though he proceeds chronologically in presenting his autobiography, what is remarkable in this narrative concerning the environment is that he situates all his experiences in… Continue Reading →

Renewing the Earth: The Bethany Land Institute of Nandere, Uganda

Colonizers liked to refer to Uganda as the “Pearl of Africa” because of its verdant, equatorial abundance. Soil scientists note that only about 8 percent of the African continent is arable, and a good portion of that land is found… Continue Reading →

Moral Attention of Artificial Intelligence

Can artificial intelligence (AI) develop moral attention? Moral attention refers to the ability to focus on the ethical dimension of situations and consider the consequences of one’s actions on others and society as a whole. It involves being mindful of… Continue Reading →

Nonviolent Courage: Witness of the Martyrs in El Salvador

The four U.S. churchwomen—Maura Clarke, Ita Ford, Dorothy Kazel and Jean Donovan—who were killed in El Salvador in 1980, lived the virtue of nonviolence in the midst of horrific violence, accompanying the Salvadoran people whose faith and courage helped to… Continue Reading →

Catholic Social Teaching: From Our Best Kept Secret to Most Well-Known Treasure

In 1985, Peter Henriot, S.J., and colleagues at the Center of Concerns famously described Catholic Social Teaching as the Catholic Church’s “Best Kept Secret.” This phrase has reemerged in many contexts and conversations including the discussions that led to the… Continue Reading →

Introduction to the Issue

This issue of Pierless Bridges, emerging after pandemic restrictions began lifting, appropriately celebrates the wide world we re-entered, with an emphasis on nature in many aspects — from human nature to our common home on planet earth. We were inspired… Continue Reading →

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