The Joan & Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought & the Ignatian Tradition

Author Stephanie Sears

Stephanie Sears, 2020–21 Lane Center Social Justice Scholar, is an associate professor of sociology. She earned her PhD in African American studies and sociology from Yale University. As an interdisciplinary scholar, her research examines the ways race, class, gender, sexuality, and generation intersect and interact in complex and contradictory ways, often simultaneously reproducing oppression and facilitating empowerment. Her current research, Dance Lessons, builds upon these interests and asks how race, class, gender, and sexuality are performed and negotiated via dance.

A Reflection on Healing, Anti-Black Racism, and Cura Personalis

As we mark the one-year anniversary of COVID-19’s deadly emergence and the murder of Breonna Taylor, I’ve been reflecting on this passage from The Salt Eaters and its implications both at the personal and societal level. I’ve been asking, what must we take up and what must we let go as we fight against anti-Black racism and toward racial equity? How do we let go of the pain and hurt or perhaps, the unearned privilege and resources to allow wholeness and racial justice to come in?

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