Pierless Bridges

The Joan & Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought & the Ignatian Tradition


Volume 1 | 2020

Bridging Church, Society, and the Academy

A perspective on the mission and work of the Joan and Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought and the Ignatian Tradition.

In Pursuit of a Safe Existence

A reflection on volunteering with the Kino Border Initiative.

Offering Spiritual Wellness to Correctional Officers

Reflections from a Jesuit prison chaplain.

Examen Your Health / Examen Tu Salud

An Ignatian teaching and research fellow’s mission integration project.

Bridging Data Science With Ignatian Spirituality

An Ignatian teaching and research fellow’s mission integration project.

Show, Not Tell

Ignatian advice for life and writing.

Philanthropy Is an Act of Love: Aiming the Flashlight

USF’s mission comes alive in working with students, alumni, and donors.

Women and the Church: Bearing Witness to New Life

Inclusive leadership and the future of Catholicism.

A Shared Dream of Women Moving Forward

Response to Kerry Robinson, Women and the Church: Bearing Witness to New Life.

Catholic Sisters and Nuns and Solidarity

A sociologist of religion reflects on women of faith doing justice.

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