The Joan & Ralph Lane Center for Catholic Social Thought & the Ignatian Tradition

Category Volume 3 | 2022

Introduction to the Issue

This issue of Pierless Bridges, emerging after pandemic restrictions began lifting, appropriately celebrates the wide world we re-entered, with an emphasis on nature in many aspects — from human nature to our common home on planet earth. We were inspired… Continue Reading →

The USF Interfaith Nonviolence Initiative

To bow down with compassionate love before the weak and needy is part of the authentic spirit of religion, which rejects the temptation to resort to force, refuses to barter human lives and sees others as brothers and sisters…. this… Continue Reading →

The ‘Soul as Bold’: Dynamics of the Force of Faith in Emily Dickenson, Ignatius of Loyola, and Viktor Frankl

Faith is the Pierless Bridge… It bears the Soul as bold                  – Emily Dickinson Those of us in the City of San Francisco are blessed by the scenery of the Golden Gate.  Its pierless bridge is suspended by an… Continue Reading →

How One Rabbi is Queering Religion at the University of San Francisco

When queer people see USF marching in the Pride parade; when we make religious support for LGBTQ people fully visible and explicit – it matters. A former student, who took my course as a freshman, offered me a compliment I… Continue Reading →

Confronting Us vs. Them by Pluralizing Us: Building Coalitions in the Age of Populism

We live in an age of global, right-wing populism(s). A migratory bird riding populist winds could spread its wings from Florida to France, pivoting to Poland, Hungary, and Turkey before proceeding, via Pakistan and India, to the Philippines. Buoyed by… Continue Reading →

Owning our Colonial Past and Present: Commitments and Responsibilities of AJCUs to American Indians

Across the country, Colleges and Universities are taking a hard look at how they came into being and at whose expense. Since Georgetown’s groundbreaking 2015 initiative[1] to examine the University’s founding and its relationship to slavery, many public and private… Continue Reading →

The Jesuits and Native Communities

The Jesuits share a long and complicated history with the Native Communities of North and South America. In 1568, the first Jesuits came with Spanish soldiers to Florida in an ill-fated attempt to convert the Calusa people to Catholicism. By… Continue Reading →

Proclaiming the Power of Humanizing Spaces with Cura Personalis in the Pandemic Era

One of the most profound things I have learned in this time of pandemic isolation, malaise, and desolation is the importance of prioritizing human connections in all aspects of my work. This comes somewhat organically to me as a director… Continue Reading →

Illich and the Snail: Degrowth for Post-Growth Development

Discourses surrounding sustainable development contain many different positions on what socio-economic transitions, or transformations, need to occur in order to prevent further environmental degradation and promote greater justice. Proponents of Green Growth advocate for technological advancements in carbon sequestration and… Continue Reading →

Finding God in All Things: Conversations on Karl Rahner, SJ & Bernard Lonergan, SJ

In these reflections on Karl Rahner, SJ and Bernard Lonergan, SJ, among the most influential Jesuit theologians of the twentieth century, we share the fruits of a year-long conversation. To enhance our community’s appreciation for the intellectual traditions behind Ignatian… Continue Reading →

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