Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Fall 2012

Alexander Shaw

Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship

PSIP Program Update


It has been my privilege to spend the last month working with the Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship.  While the Bay Area office is currently understaffed, it has been my job for the past month to confer with the various people in NFTE and help them with anything that they might need.  Due to the fact that they are understaffed this has proven to be both a tiring yet enlightening experience.

My job has enhanced my skills in:  excel, and communication systems that help network the entire organization internationally, and creating newsletters for our devote community.

My work experience has involved me cooperating with the few people that work in the office.  My task have consisted of creating excel spreadsheets for various information,  reaching out the potential new donors,  organizing as well as facilitating certain events, creating newsletters for our following community,  organizing check reimbursement forms as well as contact files, and working with our communication system (sphere).

They have invited me to several events where I have been able to meet with people who represent majors firms such as, Merrill Lynch, JP Morgan, and Bank of America.  I have also been able to meet major business people and heads of foundations around the Bay Area.  This has been especially helpful due to the fact that I want to continue working in the Bay Area.  The networking aspect of this internship has proven to be extremely useful.

In terms of the Entrepreneurship aspect of the internship, I have been able to talk to several people who have created successful organizations who now devote their time to teaching and inspiring people to do the same.  I have also been able to witness how entrepreneurship can help engage disadvantaged students.

The job has proved to be extremely resourceful.  When they first hired me they told me that they were looking for someone that they could hope to stay for nest semester as well as the remainder of this one.  If they are still inclined, I would love to continue working with them.

75 thoughts on “Network for Teaching Entrepreneurship Fall 2012

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