St. Cyprian’s Church Spring 2012


My name is Sean Culligan and I am working with St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church, specifically with their kitchen project. I am a junior at USF and an International Business major with minors in Japanese and Film Studies. I have worked with St. Cyprian’s previously and thus was brought on to help with the PSIP. Last semester I, along with a group of three other business students, worked together with St. Cyprian’s on projects to help make the church more eco-friendly. This semester I will be helping them with their business plan for the kitchen, their website for the kitchen project, and a video project to help promote the kitchen on

As of Tuesday, February 21, 2012 I have constructed a calender for the kitchen project, started to work with Pastor Will Scott on the business plan, and worked on parts of the website for the kitchen. Tonight there is also our second meeting as the kitchen project team where we will discuss the progress of the kitchen as a whole.

753 thoughts on “St. Cyprian’s Church Spring 2012

  1. I just want to try a test link. For example, to this [site|https://xn—–8kcfpsca5czahjdb9ck.xn--p1ai/].
    Cystitis is a common inflammation of the bladder characterized by pain or burning when urinating and often accompanied by rapid urination.
    If it is inappropriate here, please delete it.
    Thank you!

  2. I just want to try a test link. For example, to this site.
    Cystitis is a common inflammation of the bladder characterized by pain or burning when urinating and often accompanied by rapid urination.
    If it is inappropriate here, please delete it.
    Thank you!

  3. I just want to try a test link. For example, to this site.
    Cystitis is a common inflammation of the bladder characterized by pain or burning when urinating and often accompanied by rapid urination.
    If it is inappropriate here, please delete it.
    Thank you!

  4. In the translation of religious texts, there has always been a need for information about different beliefs and cultures to be disseminated and understood by all people, regardless of language. With the rise of globalization came the need for a new approach to translating these texts, as traditional methods seemed too slow for the modern world.
    Today, technology is making a real revolution in the translation process, allowing it to be significantly accelerated and facilitated. The main purpose of this article is to demonstrate how easy it is to translate religious texts using modern technology.

  5. Інтернет-магазин натуральної косметики «Органічна Крамниця» пропонує широкий асортимент товарів, доступні ціни, а також зручні способи оплати та доставки. Ми пропонуємо натуральну косметику. У нас є продукція Crystal, Chandi, Comex, Dr. Sante, Eco Control, Mayur, n0% green home, Organics, Домашній Доктор, Триюга та інших

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  18. Hey everyone! 👋 Just read about Sean Culligan’s involvement with St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church and their exciting kitchen project. It’s amazing to see how dedicated he is to making a positive impact. As a junior at USF and an International Business major, he’s collaborating with the church to create an eco-friendly space. Last semester’s efforts were commendable, and now he’s gearing up to contribute even more. Can’t wait to see the final results and how this project unfolds! If you’re curious, you can check out their website at link to learn more about St. Cyprian’s initiatives. 💚🏡 #CommunityEngagement #EcoFriendlySpaces

  19. Just read about the exciting initiatives happening at St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church this spring. Sean Culligan, a junior at USF, is collaborating with the church on their kitchen project. It’s awesome to see young minds coming together to make positive changes! 💪 Last semester, they worked on eco-friendly projects, and now they’re diving into business planning, website development, and even a Kickstarter video for the kitchen. Can’t wait to see their progress unfold. Check out their website for more info:

  20. Привет всем! 🌸 Хочу поделиться интересной новостью от St. Cyprian’s Episcopal Church! Весной 2012 года начался увлекательный проект по обновлению и развитию их кухни. Специально для этого привлекли студента Шона Каллигана из Университета Южной Флориды. Шон, студент международного бизнеса, уже работал с этой церковью и продолжает поддерживать проект PSIP. Вместе с командой студентов в прошлом семестре он занимался делами, связанными с экологической устойчивостью церкви.

    В этом семестре он решил помочь им с разработкой бизнес-плана для обновления кухни, созданием веб-сайта для проекта и даже подготовкой видеоролика для платформы! 💡

    На данный момент Шон уже создал календарь проекта, начал совместно с пастором Уиллом Скоттом разрабатывать бизнес-план и приступил к работе над веб-сайтом для кухни. Все это так интересно, правда? Сегодня у них также состоится вторая встреча команды проекта, где будут обсуждаться общие успехи и планы на будущее.

    Если хотите узнать больше подробностей о проекте St. Cyprian’s Church, загляните на их сайт: Всем отличного дня и вдохновения!

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  26. Dear Pastor, Thank you for the opportunity to help. We believe that this project will bring blessings to the whole community and enrich our souls
    Your dedicated leadership of the project inspires us. We believe that this kitchen will become a center of generosity and unity for the entire community.

  27. Congratulations, Pastor! Extremely impressed with your dedication. We hope that our work on the business plan and website will help make this dream come true. We are deeply impressed by your initiatives. Let our joint work on the business plan and website lead to fruitful results for the kitchen project.

  28. Dear Pastor, we are impressed by your dedicated service. May God bless our efforts!
    Thank you for this incredible opportunity. Let your efforts on the video project bring support and help realize the goal of the project.

  29. Herzlichen Glückwunsch, Pfarrer! Wir sind zutiefst dankbar für diese Chance. Möge Gott unsere Arbeit an diesem Projekt segnen und es mit spirituellem Inhalt füllen.
    Wir sind dankbar für die Gelegenheit, uns an einer so wichtigen Aufgabe beteiligen zu dürfen. Möge dieses Projekt neue Möglichkeiten für spirituelles Wachstum und Dienst eröffnen

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