African American Art and Culture Complex Spring 2014

About Me

Greetings everybody, my name is Shari Almario and I am currently a senior  Business Administration student at the University of San Francisco. Coming from Los Angeles, I have gained a whole new perspective and I only want to continue enriching myself in the culture, as well as the diverse community San Francisco has to offer. This fall semester  I am blessed to be continuing my internship for the African American Arts and Culture Complex. My duties entail assisting all of the staff members with coordinating any of the anticipated events for the organization as well as any administration tasks around the office. The blog’s purpose is to be a voice and a visual for the community to showcase what the African American Arts and Culture Complex has to offer.

Mission & Vision

The African American Art and Culture Complex (AAACC) is a community based, 501(c)3 arts and cultural organization. Our mission is to empower our community through Afro-centric artistic and cultural expression, mediums, education and programming.

We are dedicated to inspiring children and youth to serve as agents of change, cultivating their leadership skills and fostering a commitment to community service and activism. In addition, we encourage, support and promote the work of young, aspiring Bay Area artists. We also strive to develop partnerships with organizations that are similarly committed to our mission, and offer our space to the community for special events.


The AAACC has enjoyed a long and storied history in San Francisco.

In July 1989, Supervisor Willie B. Kennedy forwarded a resolution to the Board of Supervisors that urged the Mayor of the City and County of San Francisco to consider the sale or long-term lease of the Western Addition Cultural Center to better reflect the needs of the community in terms of programming, management and operations. The resolution passed unanimously.

Ms. Geraldine Johnson helped shape the preliminary draft legislation and efforts began in earnest to forge a new entity – a cultural center that would serve the community for generations to come. The community turned to the leadership of the Wajumbe Cultural Institution, Inc., and the San Francisco African American Historical Society – two of the oldest African American cultural organizations in San Francisco. A new non-profit corporation was formed in 1989 – the Center for African and African American Art and Culture. Since then, the name of the center has changed, but our mission and values remain the same: to provide a space in San Francisco and beyond for cross-cultural understanding through the celebration of African and African American experiences and history.

Today, the African American Arts & Culture Complex is a vital resource in San Francisco, adding to the city’s rich culture and diversity. We serve not only San Francisco’s African American community, but also the entire San Francisco Bay Area, as well as tourists.

We are dedicated to community change by fostering a commitment to service and activism through Afro-centric artistic and cultural performance, exhibition and programming. Our 34,000 sq. ft. facility houses an art gallery and three art exhibitions spaces, a 203 seat theater, a recording studio, library and archives of African American history, two dance studios and other multi-purpose space.

We offer visual and performing arts programs and classes including music, dance, theatre, audio recording, and arts and crafts. We also offer affordable performing arts venues for a host of community events, meetings, performances, art exhibits, trainings and conferences.

Our space also serves as a home to some of the most respected performing arts organizations in the Bay Area, including AfroSolo Theatre Company, the African American Shakespeare Company and Cultural Odyssey. Other resident art organizations include the San Francisco African American Historical and Cultural Society, the San Francisco Juneteenth Festival, Take Wings Foundation, Robert Henry Johnson and SF Noir.

Supported primarily by the San Francisco Arts Commission, the AAACC’s success also depends on the support and participation of the general public. Visit our Support Us page to find out ways you can help.

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Visit Us

AAACC Website:

AAACC Facebook:



It has been over a year that I’ve been given the opportunity to be interning for the AAACC. Through PSIP I was able to be involved with such a dedicated organization willing to have late nights to prepare for events and occasions for their culture and community. San Francisco is a huge melting pot and with PSIP I was able to experience another culture’s traditions and art appreciation. The beginning of this year was dedicated to planning the variety of events for Black History Month. This required lots of organization with the help of google docs. With these events I was the pinpoint person of contact to help the program coordinator with blasting emails to attendees, creating to do lists, and assisting anyone in the office. I love working for Non-profits because causes to me to be passionate in what I am doing. It has caused me to realize that after I graduate I want to work for a company or organization that has a mission of helping people. We should give back and that is what I am going to do.


135 thoughts on “African American Art and Culture Complex Spring 2014

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    فني ستلايت الكويت

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