African American Shakespeare Company Fall 2014

October 1



Hello! My name is Steuart Arboleda. I am currently a Senior double-majoring in Accounting and Marketing. It has been my pleasure of working with the African-American Shakespeare Company for about a year now (this will be my 3rd semester). It definitely makes things easier I am more familiar with the company, staff, and basic operations.

My role as an intern includes, bookkeeping (recording accounting entries) as well as serving as the box office manager on performance dates. I have definitely seen myself grow within the company in terms of being able to work with other people as well as being able to lead new people.

Interning for a 3rd semester, I hope to learn new things, take on different tasks and be proactive with my growth. It is definitely a rewarding experience being involved with the community and making a difference to something that not everyone might see necessary (arts in the community).



October 28, 2014


The second week of performances have came to end. The African American Shakespeare is halfway to finishing the Tempest! It has been a great experience thus far. Working at the AASC for the 3rd semester is really great. I get to see familiar faces, and regular guests which allowed me to create relationships with them. It gives me the feeling that I am apart of the company, because of my knowledge and the relationships I have built during these semesters. I am still using the same system I have implemented for box office ticket sales. It has been great that my system of selling tickets/concessions is very effective. It speeds up the process as well as supports the Executive Director, Sherri Young when she is really busy. My supervisor supports my ideas as well as knows that I am capable of implementing new systems of improving the current system. For example, this season AASC was able to purchase an iPad to use the software system, Square. Before using the iPad we would collect credit card payments using hand written forms. (This would slow down the lines — decreasing efficiency of the box office. The Square system is definitely a plus for this season! I was able to use my leadership skills especially when training volunteers for show nights (showing them all aspects of front desk hospitality, ushering, and ticket/concession sales procedures).


November 10

The Tempest finished its last show on the 9th! Although it was not a high demand show, unlike the popular Cinderella, it was a great turn out. The great thing about working with the company for awhile now, I get to see audience numbers in terms of how it fluctuates depending on the day or the production.

I have really grown with the company personally and professionally. Sherri Young, the executive director has definitely pushed beyond things I would not normally do. She really depends on me during show nights and I am able to perform to the best of my ability. Sherri has also been helpful in allowing me to teach and show the ropes to other USF interns (who are apart of the Business class at USF) in terms of ushering, box office etc. as I’ve said in my last discussion post. It has been a pleasure being with the company for year now!


November 29

Since shows have ended, it has been a bit slow on my end being that my main role is managing the box office during shows nights on the weekends. I am hoping to work with the company during the winter break during the well known Cinderella! I will get to experience the very busy and very hectic nights of show nights (especially with the intense parents and children wanting the best seats!)

As an intern, I learn something new every time I work whether it is customer service skills, technical skills or even just business/operations. This is why I enjoy working for AASC. I may be doing the very basic same things at certain points, I get to see myself grow every weekend as I attain something new. AASC has taught me people skills (working with teams and individually), has taught me patience in terms of customer service and has taught me business development in terms of everything is all connected whether big or small.

I am excited to continue working with AASC!

120 thoughts on “African American Shakespeare Company Fall 2014

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