Asian Neighborhood Design Fall 2014

Personal Information
My name is Han Wei (Hans), and I am a international student from Shenzhen, China; studying Accounting and International Business at the University of San Francisco. I love play basketball and guitar, and I also like travel because I can meet different people during the journey. I appreciate PSIP gave me this opportunity to work with a non-profit organization, which lead me to meet different kind of person and learn many things.

Information on Organization

Asian Neighborhood Design is a non-profit organization aims to reduce poverty and revitalize neighborhoods in the Bay Area by building healthy communities and providing opportunities for low-income residents to become economically self-sufficient. Asian Neighborhood Design has offering service for over 30 years in order to help disadvantaged individuals and communities become self-sufficient.

Asian Neighborhood Design has three main programs which are

*Architecture services: We plan, design, and build affordable and sustainable housing and community-serving buildings.

*Community Planning: We serve as planning experts, facilitators, and partners to help shape community development outcomes reflecting the interests and needs on an ongoing basis of those living and working in the community.

*Employment Training: We take a comprehensive approach to preparing disadvantaged young people and adults for employment long term, not only providing job training, but also job placement and career development.

In general, our programs offer the vital means for disadvantaged individuals and communities to achieve and maintain self-sufficiency.

Details of assigned projects

Currently I will help to evaluate and elevate the Asian Neighborhood Design`s Employment Training Center (ETC) program. My job is to collect data and feedback from previous training and analysis that to decided if we need to change the program. In addition, write a plan for the program to make it more efficient.

The goal of ETC is to help young adult with histories of incarceration, homelessness to find a good job to enhance their lives. I am willing to help people with difficulty, and happy to offer my suggestion to the program. I hope to learn how to communicate with different kind of people, and how to appreciate different culture background.





Progress Report 1

My job is to work with the Employment Training Center (ETC) program to make it more efficient. I have amended the evaluation form, reducing the quantity of questions and making them more specific. After collecting the evaluation forms and analyzing the information provided by the workers; based on their suggestions and opinions, I edited some parts of program plan and produced an excel sheet to indicate the time schedule of the whole process. In addition, I have done some research and found some proven construction training programs to see how they operate and their methods may be applied to ETC.

Not surprisingly, I have confronted some challenges. For example, when I created a list of proven construction training programs nationwide, it was easy to find the information, however, it is difficult to prove the credibility. However, I gave many suggestions after I reviewed the evaluation form. For instance, I suggested that we could invite workers who have received training and are now currently employed to speak, as they would be able to connect better to those in ETC. Moreover, we need to set up a system that facilitates contact with those who have been involved in ETC. For example, tracking them after one month to see how they perform after training.  I also felt that six months of observation is too long, I prefer three months because that it is a sufficient amount of time to show progress. If they are unable to do well after ETC, we can ask what challenges they have confronted, if there is anything ETC needs to change; their feedback is the most valuable and reliable information.

I have used my business skills through my job. Specifically, I keep communication open with community partner to avoid conflict. In addition, when I create an Excel, I use my QBA knowledge and time management skills to make it clear. Furthermore, goal setting is important, I pointed out that the goal of ETC is help them to find a job, but any kind of improvement like get a driver license, pass GED, or rent a house, should be regarded as removing of a barrier, and it`s the positive feedback for our jobs.

When I work with this internship, I became familiar with many non-profit organization like Cypress Mandela Construction Training program and Friends of the Urban Forest via research, and appreciate their aims to help underprivileged people. Also, I am learning how to make things more efficient.



Progress Report 2


Good news! Professor Hudson`s BSM students Armond, Russell Manning and Kenneth begin to work with us

related to the evaluation forms. We will get more professional knowledge and experience from them and

better evaluate the ETC.


Our team mainly focus on data analysis, the challenges might be the time schedule and communication.

However, I believed that we can figure it out by setting weekly meeting, and communicate through E-mail,

or post our project assignment on Google Doc, so everyone can edit it.

Time management is still important that to make the job more efficient. In addition, we currently work as a

group, which required“relationship building” to keep contact. Moreover, involvement in professional groups

which will provide the way for members to exchange idea, learn new things and expand networks.


Last week, I got a email from Aubrey Leung that she recommended an article in WSJ to us which I found is

interesting. The topic of this article is Want a Stable Job With Steadier Raises? Try Working for a Nonprofit.

Normally, people will seen non-profit organization as low-wage paid jobs. However, according to Labor

Department, the growth rate for wage of non-profit organizations increased from 5% to 16% between 2008 and

2012, which indicated non-profit organizations have good prospect. That is a good news for people who willing

to help others but also worried about their living condition. The growth rate of wages from non-profit

organization will attract more people to serve communities.



Weekly Schedule Hourly Chart For ETC

QQ截图20141106195839 QQ截图20141106200045 QQ截图20141106200136



This is the first time I work for a non-profit organization. Chris, the manager of Asian Neighborhood Design,

is very enthusiastic about his job, and also influence me. Asian Neighborhood Design wants to help people,

but also want it being “pay back”; they want to witness how people under their assistance elevate themselves

from underprivileged to living a relatively comfortable life.


Asian Neighborhood Design assists different kinds of people: homeless, drugger, and offender.

Asian Neighborhood Design did not give up these people, even though they know it is too hard to remove

the bias from public towards them. I also appreciate those people who willing to take

Employment Training Center (ETC), which means they want to better their condition, and want to change their lives.


Asian Neighborhood Design offered ETC program which operates three training cycles each year, and each class is

14 weeks and 35 hours of training per week. I ameliorated the evaluation forms to suit the need of trainee in order to

receive their authentic feedback. In addition, based on their feedback, I edited the Weekly Schedule Hourly Chart

For ETC, so everyone is clear about their time sheet. Moreover, I found some reliable non-profit organizations

which are similar to Asian Neighborhood Design, and to see how to apply their success to Asian Neighborhood Design.

After that I work with Armond, Russell Manning and Kenneth for ANDS. I have interviewed with one of ANDS`s client

named Andrew Treloar; I asked he some questions related to ANDS, and sent these answers to Armond.


My business skills really help me a lot like goal setting, time management, relationship building, creativity, and some

business knowledge I learn from class lead me to think further and deeply.


It is close to the end of 2014, and we will welcome new 2015. In the new 2015, I will try my best to help others.

“The roses in her hand,the flavor in mine.” I believe that there are also brand new prospects for

non-profit organization!

34 thoughts on “Asian Neighborhood Design Fall 2014

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