My name is Cindy Ngo, I am a finance major at USF. My goals as of now is to graduate on time, learn to have more fun, and gain more work experience in my field. My long-term goals are working for a tech firm in their finance department or working on Wall Street. My role at my organization is strategic and financial planning for the retail sector. So far the job has been ok. The museum has not yet opened so not much finance work has been done, but I’ve done general accounting work for the inventory that has been coming in for the opening. My boss is great! She is calm,patient,smart, and overall a roll model for me. The MoAD is a non-profit museum based in San Francisco that focuses on showcasing the history, art, and cultural richness that came from the dispersal of
It is one of the biggest exhibitions in the African diaspora and this attracts huge viewers. They also zip job reviews and you can apply by following the given guideline from the museum.
Hope you graduate on time!
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