African American Shakespeare Company Spring 2015

Hello, My name is Steuart Arboleda. I am a senior Accounting and Marketing major. I have the opportunity to work with the African-American Shakespeare Company (AASC) for a fourth semester as the Accounting Intern/Box Office Manager.

AASC offers a space for the local community of the Western Addition, specifically African-Americans artists/actors to display and showcase their talents in the form of the arts. It literally brings art to the community. This neighborhood is filled with rich culture, that AASC only adds more to it.

I will be continuing my work as the accounting intern–supporting the Executive Director with finance work. I am pleased to be able to support the company with this as it does require a lot of time, but it is hard when the organization does not have  a full staff to do all of things necessary. I will also continue working at the box office managing ticket sales and concessions during show nights. It is wonderful that I get to work in the back office while also seeing the patrons, artists and everyone involved in the company. I get to see different angles of the company.


March 23, 2015

I was able to work during the first show of the year, Xtigone. It is always great to be back and work at the box office for AASC. Working at AASC for my fourth semester, I get to see familiar faces within the organization, as well continue developing those relationships with the patrons. At the box office, I am able to recognize regular patrons and they are also able to remember me. This has made it easier for me to interact with the patrons. I think this is a key business skill — maintaining customer relationships. Although, I may not know them at a personal level but it is great to maintain that hospitality where you remember who they are. It is not giving them special treatment, but it is making sure that they want to continue coming back.

Being with the organization for awhile now, I’ve learned how independent I have become. It is much easier for me to deal with special cases at the box office. I know what problems may arise and I am able to recognize as well as teach other volunteers. At first I would always need to ask questions, but that just comes with having to work at a new place or company. Sherri, the Executive Director, has definitely reassured me in terms of I am able to make her job easier during operations on show nights.

I will work at the next show, Isfahan Blues which will begin on May 2! Get your tickets here! Until then, I will work in the back office with the ED for accounting purposes.

Progress Report #2

I haven’t started working for the next production, Isfahan Blues. But I’ve been working in the office and working on accounting related things for the organization. I’ve been working on expense reports, bank statements and used QuickBooks. It is really cool, since I already know what I am doing and it makes it so much easier. The office also got remodeled with new furniture! I thoroughly enjoy working with the company as I am seeing familiar faces as well as meeting new people. Having that comfort zone makes it so much easier especially when you’re in the workplace.

Progress Report #3

I just started working for the new production Isfahan Blues. It feels really weird knowing that it is my last show I will be working at. But thinking about it, I would be glad to come back and volunteer on my own since I will be living in San Francisco.

This time is particularly different because I get to train the new student intern who will be taking my place once I graduate from USF. For the first show the new student just watched as I did the tasks necessary for the box office. The next show I walked through all the steps needed. It is truly an honor for me to be able to have the job and task of training the new student intern. Although it may be intimidating that I am basically responsible for the new student intern, it feels great that Sherri, the Executive Director, is giving me that task.

I hope to continue maintaining the relationships with the patrons when I recognize regular guests who come to AASC.


It has been half way through the Isfahan Blues production. It is a wonderful production as AASC is partnering with Golden Threads to create this production. Unfortunately, as I’ve said it is my last production before graduation.

I has been a great learning experience these past 4 semesters. I will fully take the experiences, skills and tools I’ve learned from AASC onto the working world. AASC has taught me customer service skills in terms of working with other people and being patient. I’ve learned organizational skills in terms of working within an organization. The staff at AASC has been wonderful to work with. Sherri Young, the ED, has challenged me beyond my normal limits. I may have not known it at first, but I definitely had the experience of doing tasks I would have not done if I didn’t work with AASC.

113 thoughts on “African American Shakespeare Company Spring 2015

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