Viviendas Leon Spring 2015


Hello, Reader!

I’m Johnathan and I recently began my internship with Viviendas Leon.

A little about me

  • sophomore at USF
  • right now a Business Administration major and thinking of switching to Finance
  • I live in Inner Sunset
  • I bike to commute
  • I love San Francisco

Since I’ve started working with Viviendas Leon, I have begun to learn what an internship is like. Previously I have only worked in retail and restaurants, so I was looking forward to work as an intern. Now that I’ve been working as an intern, I can now say that I like it a lot more than my previous work for several reasons. I feel my work has more responsibility, and in addition, I feel like I’m part of team rather a subordinate.

My jobs thus far have been researching grants, mailing out information, and figuring out Google Adwords. I have liked working on Google Adwords the most, because I get to test keywords and see their progress. I’m taking off from the last intern, so I have someone else’s work to compare mine to. I hope to do better than the last person, as I will learn a lot about marketing with Adwords.




Well that’s about it on my progress so far. Today I’ll be working on Adwords and then tomorrow I’ll be going into the office to talk about what my next strategy for Adwords will be.

Until Next Time,








Hello, Reader!

I’m back.

I’ve been working at ViviendasLeon for several weeks now, and I’m in the swing of things. Sometimes I have helped with mailing people in hopes for getting more donations. Other times, I’ve been working hard on Google Adwords. Lately, I’ve been noticing that marketing is more difficult than I thought. For instance, I can see that many people have noticed my ads, yet they have not been clicking on them. How do I get more people to click? Although my organization might not be what they are looking for, I want them to ignite their curiosity.


Just showing up and being a part of the office is a reward sometimes. It’s a nice quaint office in SOMA, and it feels good to be part of the bigger picture. I might be working in SOMA a few years from now, and it’s nice to think of these steps as the beginning. Having older coworkers makes me feel cool for being so young haha.




Here’s the Adwords that I’ve been working on. As you can see, I’m struggling, but at the same time, I’m learning a lo about marketing.


Until next time,




Hello again!


I’ve continued to work on Google Adwords, yet I still struggle to get the number of impressions raised. I’ve continued to modify certain keywords and the phrasing of ads, and I still haven’t found the right formula to get clicks. The skills of using Google Adwords continues to grow.

Last week, I helped research grants, and I realized the daunting task of finding the right grant to get a good amount of money. The task is complicated, particularly with the many sides of VL.

If my graph had dramatically changed, I would post another picture, but right now, it looks very similar to the weeks before. I’m learning the difficulty of Google Adwords every week.

Well until next time,






Hello reader!

It’s me again. The past few weeks have been consistent with the same duties as before. I’ve settled in job of checking Google Adword and the Facebook page daily. I’ve realized that my knowledge of Nicaragua and Central America has grown dramatically, and now I want to travel to there someday. In one of my marketing classes, my professor talked about Google Adwords, and I was thrilled to have a strong knowledge in it. Internet marketing is only growing, and I’m glad to already have some experience in it.

Lately, I’ve been working with two duties: one is finding a professor to speak a conference and the other is to find a computer company that is willing to ship twelve computers to Nicaragua for the upcoming computer lab. Finding a professor that is willing to speak at a fundraiser has just begun, so I don’t know how difficult success will be. As for finding a computer company, I haven’t heard back from any of them, so I think I have to increase my efforts.

Here’s a status I posted a few days ago


Until next time,



165 thoughts on “Viviendas Leon Spring 2015

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