Speech Write Out

Essay written by Stacy A. Baker in the Journal of Hand therapy


There are thousands of children around the world who have lost their limb in a traumatizing accident or by a life threatening disease. Participation in recreational activities that most children are able to complete are extremely difficult for ones that have experienced upper limb amputations. A survey conducted by the Amputee Coalition of America revealed that children with an upper extremity length discrepancy reported it challenging to ride a bicycle. It is important that all children able to be able to perform the same activities and things that create happiness and joy inside of them. The current recommendations are for those children with amputations to learn how to ride a bike one handed or purchase a custom bicycle that can be expensive with modified handlebars or knee brakes.  To offer a better option, The Shriners Hospital for Children in St. Louis has created a way to make specific handlebars for children who have gone through below the elbow amputations. The bike adaptation made of thermoplastic was developed to enable a child to begin to ride a bicycle or tricycle. It is simply easy to assemble and you need is ⅛ inch thermoplastic material, hose clamps, and padding. This device helps a child ride their bike and easily get on or off the bike to continue playing and it is way more comfortable than a prosthesis arm. A creation like this brings thousands of children the joy of riding a bicycle


The paper written by Stacy A. Baker works to complete the journal of hand therapy. The editor of the Hand Journal writes, “As hand therapists, we are always using our creativity to help our patients participate in functional, desired activities. These authors share their expertise in adapting bicycles for children with below elbow amputations”. This shows the strong credibility of the journal that she is writing for and that they have the goodwill to work to benefit the unprivileged. Stacy Baker is a believable writer in the way that she draws upon work from the Shriners hospital to benefit children amputees. The shriners hospital for children contain a great amount of goodwill benefited towards the amputee children. They are only trying to help children have the same ability to complete an activity that promotes joy and a sense of freedom.


I refer to this strong sense of credibility because of the writer who is writing for a good journal for the care of amputees. She not only comes up with strong quotes but pieces of work from other organizations that coincide with her writings. And her example of the object created by the Shriners Hospital is a good form of credibility in which they work to make the lives of amputees more enjoyable and full of fun.


One Comment

  1. Ricky I really enjoy your speech and think your ideas was great. This essay about bike adaptations is really interesting.

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