Fusion Library Search

The Fusion library service was decently helpful in attaining information that I was looking for in my research. There was one article titled, “Hollywood, Bike Messengers, and the New Economy.” This article discussed bike messengers in the modern economy and how much pay they can receive in a day. Finding out how much money they make was one of the main questions that I was looking to find and this was a credible answer that I can include with my other research. There was also an article titled, “Uber recruits bike couriers for downtown food delivery”, which went into the development of uber and how bike messengers can branch out of their regular employers in an attempt to attain a higher income working for Uber. This database was extremely helpful for me and will be resourceful in finding research for my S2 Presentation screen-shot-2016-10-04-at-12-06-53-am


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