S4 Speech Write-Out

North Dakota Pipeline Speech Write-out

In Cannon Ball North Dakota, is where the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe and many other tribes have come together to protest against the building of the North Dakota Pipeline in the Missouri River. The part of land that is being invaded by the government is owned by the Standing Rock Sioux Tribe. The government is drilling into the missouri river in North Dakota because there lies an estimated 7.4 billion barrels of oil. Creating this pipeline would go through 4 states and make it easier to extract the oil for government profit.

With the production of the pipeline, it puts in danger sacred sites within the reservation. There are sacred prayer sites, burial sites, and key places to access water that is being taken over by the production of the pipeline. The line puts in the thousands of people in the reservation living of the water in the Missouri River in danger. The people protesting are fighting for the future generations who need to live off of the water

US Army Veterans and hollywood celebrities have traveled to protest and stand in solidarity with the Native Americans. Protests began to become very violent with the North Dakota Police. Water Cannon, tear gas, rubber bullets and concussion grenades were used on protesters. A 21 year old female protester nearly lost her arm and had to go through 4 surgeries to save her arm that deployed by the police.

After about a month and a half of protesting, Army Corp of Engineers announced it will look for an alternate route for the Dakota Access Pipeline to cross under Lake Oahe in North Dakota. This proved victory for the tribes who were protesting against an injustice, and injustice that was put upon a minority. Protesting does receive results and it is important for all voices, especially including minorities to be heard.

Even though it seems the Native Americans have totally won, the fight is not over. People of all minorities need to stay in solidarity with Standing Rock because of the decision that the new President-Elect Donald Trump might make. Donald Trump supports the building of the pipeline because of the benefits that it will bring all Americans. The protest is not over and we need to fight together in support of all American citizens.


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