S4 Presentation Post Write-Out

I felt pretty proud of the last speech that I presented in the class. Before taking this class, I had been pretty confident and experienced in public speaking but I was able to gain a few more skills in how to seem like a credible speaker. In the last speech I had tried my best to make myself seem like an activist for the current problem that was happening in North Dakota. With me being a minority, I considered it very important that I educate the other minorities in class and let them know about the injustice that they were facing. While speaking, I had opened up with a loud voice in an attempt to gain the attention of the audience and make them truly feel like what I was talking about was important. In comparison to my other speeches in the class, I felt that I had the most pride in this one which is what let me to being so educated in the topic . Talking to the class about the Sioux Tribe Reservation and the other reservation that were having their land stripped away from them was an easy thing to do since I had already had strong opinions on the issue. I was glad that this was able to be my last speech so that I could use my voice as a form of activism. I know that there are a lot of things that I know that many others do not. On top of that, there are a lot of things that I care about that others do not wether it be that they are uneducated or have different opinions. I believe that it is my voice that needs to be heard and spread the opinions and beliefs that I’m sure not many others have.



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