Blog 5 InfoGraph

I love these kind of projects because it really allows me to creative with how I present my information. My idea for my infograph was actually influenced by my friends who are in a frat who tend to binge drink a lot of alcohol until they black out. I told them about the other consequences of alcohol that might not be popular and they were amazed of how much alcohol can do so much damage to their body. I had a lot of fun making my info graph and tried to tie as much of it from what I leaned from Psy nursing. I really like to talk about topics that many people may not realize or know much about. A lot of my friends that aren’t nursing majors don’t realize the harmful effects of alcohol binge drinking which is big during the 20th century and even in the present time today. The current data has shown that people from the 1990s à 2017 has dropped in alcoholism by almost half. I believe that is because more and more people are being educated about the effects of alcohol and are being more health weary. I wanted to challenge myself and put in information that is informative that many people may not know about alcohol poisoning. I put in statistics of the possible seizures and deaths that can occur in alcohol poisoning. I also included information about how it can put harmful effects on some of your main organs such as your heart, brain, liver, kidneys, and pancreas.

Commented on Keri’s and Gabby