Create your course blog

Speaking of Bicycles is a public speaking course, but we’ll write a lot.

All of your writing for this course will be posted to a blog you’ll create. There will be specific guidelines for some posts, and other posts will be “open” — you can decide what to write about and how to approach it.

Posts are graded as complete or incomplete — if you make a good faith effort, you will get full credit.

You can find instructions on Canvas here:

Alternate location for the same PDF instructions:


Frequently Asked Questions

What about my privacy? I don’t want the whole world to see my stuff.

Great question. When you create your blog, you’ll be able to choose the level of access granted to users. A good middle ground is to allow the USF community to see your site, but not the whole world. See image below.

screenshot of privacy settings for EduBlogs sites


Does spelling count?


Must I use MLA format?


What if I hate the internet?

I validate. I’m happy to work with you to come up with a good alternative.

Viewing Message: 1 of 1.

Important: Read our blog and commenting guidelines before using the USF Blogs network.