The holiday season is here! Whether you are looking for gifts for family and friends or you wish to treat yourself to a holiday gift, here are some tips to shop mindfully and sustainably.


Tip #1: Shop smart.

Here are some tips for being more intentional about your holiday purchases:

  • Although it can be tempting to purchase gag gifts for your friends, many of these will end up in landfills or not used. Instead, opt for something you know they will use and enjoy. 
  • It’s okay to ask someone what they want! This can result in quality gifts that your friends and family will use and appreciate.
  • Buy from local shops instead of ordering online from big corporations! This will help decrease carbon emissions from shipping as well as supporting small businesses. 
  • Gift experiences instead of things! This is a great way to spend time with your loved ones while making them feel appreciated this holiday season. Here are some ideas for great experiential gifts:
  • Movie tickets 
  • Museum tickets
  • Kayak, bike, or scooter rental
  • Ice skating or roller skating
  • Instead of buying clothes for your friends and family, which may or may not fit, try gift cards to thrift stores or sustainable clothing companies. Sustainable clothing can be more expensive than fast fashion, so gifting a gift card can help your friends and family to shop sustainably.


Tip #2 Shop Green!

Another great idea is to buy things that will help your loved ones be more sustainable in their day-to-day life. Here are some ideas:

  • Reusable sandwich bags to pack food waste-free! These bags are $8 from Beego Handmade.
  • Solar-powered phone charger so your friends can save power when charging their phones! This one is $22 on Amazon.
  • Stainless steel straws that are easy to take with you and reduce plastic waste! This set of four is $4 at Crate and Barrel.
  • Reusable grocery bag to reduce the plastic bags needed for the store! These ones are made sustainably for $29 at Birdsong.

The website Uncommon Goods is a great place to find unique, sustainable gifts, including these little hats that keep bananas fresh for longer!


christmas gift

Tip #3: Watch your wrap

Most wrapping paper can’t be recycled, so four million tons of wrapping paper and shopping bags are thrown away over the Christmas period. Instead of using wrapping paper, reuse brown paper bags, newspaper, or magazine pages for wrapping paper. 

Additionally, you can get creative with scrap fabric to wrap gifts.

Making sustainable choices this holiday season doesn’t have to be difficult. Just being mindful and intentional about what you are buying can make a huge difference as well as taking steps to reduce waste, which can also save time and money. Small steps can make a big difference towards a more sustainable future!