Author Archives: Chris Pry-Brown
Frazzled Doomscrolling is Out. Fish Doorbells and Finding Daisies are In.
Doomscrolling is a tempting habit. Opening social media often releases an overwhelming flood of negative news, and it sometimes feels like the line between staying informed and burning out...
World’s Largest Coral Discovered!
It’s older than the United States… it’s so huge it’s visible from space… and it’s alive! Scientists have discovered the world’s largest coral in the southwest Pacific Ocean, and...
Pollinators in Peril: Bee Aware!
Pollinators really pack a punch! They are absolutely essential to so many parts of our daily lives: from the coffee in your morning cup to the fruits in your...
Grand Un-Dammin’ Stops Slammin’ Chinook Salmon
For over a century, the Klamath River has been incomplete. As it has winded from the deserts of south-central Oregon to the temperate rainforests of California’s North Coast and...
Wish Upon a Fish at Nimbus Hatchery
Last month, I had the pleasure of spending the weekend in Sacramento with friends, and one suggested we go visit a nearby (and free!) trout and salmon hatchery. We’re...
New Infrastructure Greens the Scene
Climate change and its consequences are shaping the future of our world, and human activity has certainly reshaped the Earth itself in other profound ways. Rising sea levels, intensifying...
“Lost” Bird and Frog Species Unseen for Decades Rediscovered!
On a trek through the dense cloud forests of Central Africa, scientists from the University of Texas at El Paso (UTEP) were recently delighted to find a feathered friend...