Tag archives for environment - Page 3
Is it Ecologically Irresponsible to Have Children? A Personal Reflection
I am 20 years old. I am a soon to be senior in college, and I am going to have a BS in Environmental Science by the end of...
Let’s Prevent Food Waste: A Cooking Series – Apple Cider Vinegar
Apple cider vinegar or ACV is a common household product that has endless uses. It can be used as a health product, for cooking, cleaning, in your skincare, or...
All About Seahorses
Seahorses are adorable animals. They are small, colorful, and unique creatures in the animal kingdom. When it comes to precarious megafauna, seahorses are definitely at the top of my...
The Values and Shortcomings of Green Spaces in Urban Environments
2020 marks Golden Gate Park’s 150th anniversary. In honor of my favorite place in San Francisco turning 150, this post will discuss the vast mental and physical health benefits...
My Composting Journey
Ever since USF closed down its campus in March, I moved back home to Louisville, KY, a city that surprisingly does not have a composting facility. For me, this...
Elephant Poaching in South Africa
The illegal poaching of elephants in South Africa has been a huge issue for many decades. Approximately every 15 minutes, an elephant is poached for its ivory. That is...
Respecting Nature: How COVID-19 Could Re-Orient Our View of the World Around Us
While the current COVID-19 pandemic is certainly a tragedy first and foremost, it has given many people privileged enough to remain well the opportunity to sit and reflect on...
Environmental Effects of NAFTA
The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was a monumental trade agreement between the United States of America, Canada, and Mexico. This trade agreement reduced or eliminated many tariffs...
How to Price Carbon? Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon Tax
Humans are the leading cause of the world’s quickly changing climate. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to people are trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere and rapidly...
The Truth Behind Recycling
Introduction I remember learning how to recycle sometime during elementary school, sitting crisscross applesauce in the multi-purpose room listening to adults sing over and over, “Reduce, Resue, Recycle!” And...