Tag archives for social justice
An “Unprecedented” Moment: Community Resources for Social and Environmental Action
First and foremost, I want to make clear that the views expressed in this piece are my own. Given recent events with the Trump administration and the feelings expressed...
Farmworker Justice in California
California produces more food than any other state in the US and consequently also has the largest amount of farmworkers. There has been an ongoing history of racial, economic,...
A Greener Future for Everyone: Greenspace Inequality in San Francisco
In 2017, San Francisco became the first city in the US to ensure that all residents lived within a 10-minute walk of some kind of park, playground, or green...
The Environmental Hazards of Mass Incarceration
Today, almost two million people are held in American jails, prisons, and detention centers, which is more than double the population of San Francisco. Tough-on-crime policies, emblematic of the...
Environmental Justice through Art
Though environmental activism and sustainability are becoming a bigger part of the global cultural consciousness, environmental justice is a less discussed, though extremely important, subsect of environmental activism. Environmental...
Cultivating Green Consumerism
With rising sea levels, increasing temperatures, and extreme weather changes, consumers are starting to be more mindful about their choices, particularly their lifestyle. The pandemic forced people to be...
Gleaning as a College Student
What is Gleaning? Although “gleaning” may be an unfamiliar term to some, many of us may be unknowingly practicing it in our everyday lives. Defined by the USDA as...
Let’s Prevent Food Waste: A Cooking Series – Tepache Recipe
Ever wondered what you could do with your leftover pineapple skins? Well, it looks like you’re just in luck! Discarded pineapple rounds can be used to make a sweet...
Even in a Pandemic, EPA Funding is Still Being Rolled Back
This Trump administration has yet again proven to be against policies and regulations that protect the environment. This month, the Environmental Protection Agency rolled out a series of temporary...
The Green New Deal: What is it?
With an upcoming presidential election, the term “Green New Deal” has been thrown around a lot in political campaigns and debates. We’ve heard how much we need a Green...