Tag archives for written
The Comfort of the Holidays
One of my favorite things to do during the holidays is just to sit by the kitchen, the overwhelming scent of cinnamon, nutmeg, and a roasting turkey, frantically counting...
Sustainable Quarantine Projects: Kombucha
Since it seems like the stay at home orders will go through the summer, here is another project to keep yourself busy at home! Recently, kombucha has become very...
Philosophy’s Role in Addressing Climate Change
Climate change has rapidly become one of the most existential issues of our time. Its effects, which are worsening every year due to the unrelenting harvest and burning of...
Let’s Prevent Food Waste: A Cooking Series – Tepache Recipe
Ever wondered what you could do with your leftover pineapple skins? Well, it looks like you’re just in luck! Discarded pineapple rounds can be used to make a sweet...
The Values and Shortcomings of Green Spaces in Urban Environments
2020 marks Golden Gate Park’s 150th anniversary. In honor of my favorite place in San Francisco turning 150, this post will discuss the vast mental and physical health benefits...
My Composting Journey
Ever since USF closed down its campus in March, I moved back home to Louisville, KY, a city that surprisingly does not have a composting facility. For me, this...
How to Price Carbon? Cap-and-Trade vs. Carbon Tax
Humans are the leading cause of the world’s quickly changing climate. The increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to people are trapping heat in the earth’s atmosphere and rapidly...
The Green New Deal: What is it?
With an upcoming presidential election, the term “Green New Deal” has been thrown around a lot in political campaigns and debates. We’ve heard how much we need a Green...
Food Waste: Issues and Prevention
The Big Picture Annually, around one-third of all food produced globally is either lost or wasted (United Nations). This is one-third of the world’s food supply that is thrown...
Water Extraction and Cultural Impacts within the Mt. Shasta Watershed
Far too often do we hear about environmental injustices happening around the world, but this current issue regarding the cultural impacts in Mt. Shasta is happening very close to...