red emergency response vehicle with sirens on in timelapsed photograph

They Do Not Like Me in These Parts – 2019 Your Exile Contest Winner

by Rebecca Bridge —   They do not like me and they say so, they say, Rebecca, you are not well liked in these...
Person walking on a path through a forest in the snow

Nobody Dies in Dreamland

  As I left for the last time, I hugged my dying father. I was amazed. It was my son
Tales of the Astonishing Black Spark book cover

Expanding Black Representation One Superhero at a Time

In this post-President Obama, post-Black Panther America, Black representation has been on the rise. Charlie J. Eskew’s debut novel, Tales of the Astonishing Black...

Mycology — Switchback’s 2018 Contest Winner

    the man creeping behind my tongue is an angry man he sounds like me, rusted, like a busted garden gate that aches...
Cracked dirt

We bathe in miles of dust

by Dane Hamann —   because it’s a type of hunger that drives the small changes in ourselves: hair of wasps, pit-mine eyes, sapwood...


Coiled on your plate, a harlequinned ring of beheaded, de-bodied flesh,...


by Matthew Travieso Williams — Fall recalled the heat of summer,...