
by Adrian Arias —

La Verdad es un buen bocadillo
entre mentira y mentira.

The truth is a good snack
between a lie and a lie.

Tu cuerpo es el único reloj
que me hace llegar a tiempo.

Your body is the only clock
that makes me arrive on time.


¿Qué es el cuerpo?
Un cerebro dando órdenes
y un corazón desobedeciéndolas.

What is the body?
A brain giving orders
and a heart disobeying.

La verdad es una animal salvaje
ten cuidado adónde lo sacas a pasear.

The truth is a wild animal
be careful where you take it for a walk.

No trates de contar un sueño,
deja que el sueño te cuente…
no cuentes los granos de arena
de la playa
túmbate sobre ellos
y deja que te cuenten a ti.

Don’t try to tell a dream,
let the dream tell you…
don’t count the grains of sand
on the beach
roll over it
and let the grains count you.

Translated by Nina Serrano

Adrian Arias is an American poet and visual artist. He was born in Peru in 1961 and has lived in the San Francisco Bay Area since 2000. Winner of four prizes in Peru and Argentina, he has published thirteen books and chapbooks. Adrian is also a cultural promoter and “aRtivist” working at the Mission Cultural Center for Latino Arts.