Lenten Reflection Series:  Lenten Pho Chay 

By Thanh Ly, USF University Staff, School of Education

As I was growing up in America, my childhood memories were surrounded by the Catholic Vietnamese community that celebrated Lent in their own special version. I remember visiting my friend Katherine at her home, which was only three blocks away. I was only allowed to travel that far. The family home had this huge banner right on their front lawn,” God loves you no matter what form or shape you come from.” I didn’t understand what that meant at the time since my family only prayed to my ancestors. I remember Katherine had this huge grey cross on her forehead as I was greeted at the door. The family had invited me into their sanctuary as they were prepping for lunch. Katherine’s mother was busy in the kitchen preparing a huge bowl of vegetarian Pho (Pho Chay) with rice noodles. Normally, they would make chicken Pho or beef Pho but they shared with me, “today is a special day where we celebrate our neighborhood.” They had given up meat for Lent, even in their rice noodle soup.  I asked them, “I don’t have a cross on my forehead like Katherine, can I still have a bowl of Pho Chay?” Katherine’s parents laughed and welcomed me to their table. 

I am humbled by this special memory and experience since I was not a practicing Catholic, but this family welcomed me with open arms. The tender kindness shared by Katherine and her family…I am forever indebted to their humility to open their heart to others. As we continue to navigate pandemic life, let’s remember to always be kind to each other so that one day, we can share a bowl of Pho together without any judgment. 

Recipe for Pho Chay (Vegetarian Pho-Vietnamese Rice Noodle Soup):


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