Through a generous gift from Craig Newmark Philanthropies, the organization of craigslist founder Craig Newmark, five Computer Science graduate students have received a Women in Technology scholarship. This will help to provide the opportunity to excel in their academics and continue their active engagement on campus, ultimately enriching STEM education for everyone at the University of San Francisco.
We asked the recipients to share their thoughts on how the Newmark Scholarship has impacted their studies:
“Receiving this scholarship enables me to go into my last year at USF without worrying so much about finances. It’s not only an honor but also takes a huge burden off my shoulders in terms of splitting my time between work, academics and job-hunting. Overall it means I can focus more on getting through this year to graduation and finishing strong!”
- Allison Wong, MS in Computer Science Bridge, Spring ‘20
“This scholarship is a huge motivation for me to keep studying hard and pursuing my goal. It also helps cover my tuition for the coming semester. Great, great thanks to Craig Newmark and the committee!“
- Anonymous Recipient
“I am very happy to receive the Newmark scholarship. Receiving the scholarship has lightened the financial burden. As being an international student, this matters a lot. This motivates me to keep studying and trying harder to achieve my goals, and is a boost to my career. USF and the faculty has been a major part of shaping my Future. I thank USF, the faculty and Newmark for scholarship.”
- Manali Patil, MS in Computer Science, Spring ‘20
“The Newmark Women in Technology Scholarship reminded me again of how fortunate I am. It not only provided me with breathing room, which helped me focus more on my academic pursuit, but also inspired me to be someone who strives to be the support of others as well in the near future. I will always remember this! I would like to express my sincerest gratitude to Craig Newmark and the faculty members. Thank you so much for all your support!”
- Soo Jung Kim, MS in Computer Science Bridge, Spring ‘20
“I was extremely honored to be awarded the Newmark WiT scholarship during my last semester at USF. Receiving this scholarship made me feel acknowledged and even more motivated to do my best and go beyond what’s needed to get the work done. Thanks to Craig Newmark for supporting women in technology!”
- Katherine Tucto, MS in Computer Science, Spring ‘19