Oct 28 In Class Writing

In Cassie Kai’s response to today’s topic, she mainly talked about how the essay express and how the real situation of education was back in time in China, and the two were very similar. I did not mention much about education in my response, but I have noticed that education played a big role in the online essay. However, it is similar that we all expressed that what we liked about the essay was the historical events and situations, but her response talked about specifically education.

In Maurica Young’s response, I found it very similar to my response; we both liked how Pengfei talked about his personal experience through the entire essay.

Oct 25 Verb Tense

Activity 1:

For a long time, my stepson, Jonathan, was unhappy to have me as a part of his family for resenting that he didn’t have both biological parents at home. I tried to get to know him better, but he would complain that I invade his privacy. As a newcomer, I understand that our relationship will require effort from both of us. It is not enough that I am friendly. Jonathan also has to want us to be friends, and I was not happy with the two of us being strangers, but I can wait for him to feel more comfortable around me.

Activity 2:

Anne Marie collects antique bottles and loves to turn them into works of art. She will buy bottles if she likes them, but she prefers to find them on the ground. She finds bottles everywhere, but she picks them selectively. However, she has the best luck at construction sites on old farmland, where she spent most of her time. Often, bottles appear on the surface after a good rain, but they disappear very soon. She would use special tools for excavating bottles, such as a set of brushes. She does not want to break the bottles as she removes them from the ground. After finding a new bottle, Anne Marie would add it to her display case and hung on the wall as an artistic piece (Mangelsdorf, 2013, p. 411).

Oct 23 Essay 3 Outline

  • What is Economic? What does it study? (Different from what most people thought)
  • What other subjects does it relate to? (Math….)
  • Why is it so important to the world? (Talk about its history and what it does to a country)(Outside sources) (and what would happen if there is no economics in the world)
  • What is interesting about it? (Personally)  (Simple math makes a big difference(calculates many things))
  • Interview
    • What does economic mainly learn about? Why are those things important? (to individuals or to larger scales)
    • Why should students take an economics major(or classes)?
    • What do you think is interesting about economics?
    • What are the students you know who took economic major doing right now? Do they like their job now?
    • What would you tell a student who is thinking about taking an economics major but not sure?
    • What are the bright futures of an economics major?
  • Why should people choose this major, or at least learn or know about it? (Summary,  daily uses, and outside sources?)
  • Enjoy it!

Simple math makes a big difference(calculates many things)


Hillman, T. (2014). Economics. Alpha. Retrieved from http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&AuthType=sso&db=cat00548a&AN=iusf.b3876116&site=eds-live&scope=site

Professor Samual Riewe

The University of San Francisco Webpage

Picture cited:















Oct 16, In Class Writing

1. My dog is not only friendly but also playful.
2. We can go to the park or dancing in the classroom.
We can go to the park or dance in the classroom
3. Jeremy likes to read historical, realistically and speculative fiction.
Jeremy likes to read historical, realistic, and speculative fiction.
4. When I went to the bar, I want to dance, drinking and punch on the rowdy faces.
When I go to the bar, I want to dance, drink and punch on the rowdy faces.
5. Buying a car is not a decision to take lightly nor be careless about.
Buying a car is not a decision to take lightly nor carelessly about.
6. Tyler is for the legalization, not criminalization of marijuana.
7. Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher and knives for her kitchen.
Sally needs a new stove, dishwasher and knife for her kitchen.
8. My first grade teacher taught me how to write, how to read and play tic-tac-toe.
My first grade teacher taught me how to write, read, and play tic-tac-toe.
9. She will not admit it, nor will she be apologizing.
She will not admit it, nor apologize.
10. The whole wheat pasta is better than enriched wheat pasta.
11. Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, thinking critically, and improve writing.
Literature classes teach students to analyze texts, think critically, and improve writing.
12. Beets are just as nutrient rich as rutabagas even though they are not in season.
13. Drunk drivers are thoughtlessly taking the lives of other people in their own hands, risk their own lives, thinking only about their own pleasure and fun, and not consider the consequences of their actions.
Drunk drivers are thoughtlessly taking the lives of other people in their own hands, risking their own lives, thinking only about their own pleasure and fun, and not considering the consequences of their actions.
14. In order to convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, tell people where they should stand, repeated the information to help people remember, and gesture.
In order to convey the information correctly, the police officer spoke loudly to the crowd, told people where they should stand, repeated the information to help people remember, and gestured.