Corkulous as a graphic organizer

Corkulous is an app for iOS devices.

I discovered this app several years ago out of necessity for my son who has an IEP. His IEP states that he can use a computer to type any written assignments, and has issues with organization, and yet he was presented with a large project that made this IEP requirement a tremendous challenge. It was a three part project of gathering sources, creating notecards, and writing a report on one of the 50 states. It seems simple enough, but the notecard portion of the assignment was unweildy for a student with ADD and a specification of computer usage even for note taking. This is where corkulous came to the rescue!

Corkulous is a virtual cork board. You can create notecards or sticky notes and place them on your cork board and arrange them however you would like.

In the notecard portion of the state report, students were given a series of color coded notecards and were supposed to take notes on the cards. Each color was assigned a category. For intance, pink was for the Native American origins in the state, blue was for involvement in the Revolutionary War, and so on. Each child was to have at least forty notecards to hand in. What a challenge for a child with organizational issues and difficulty writing. When I confronted the teacher, she said my son could type the notes and cut and paste them onto the colored cards. This was not a satisfactory answer and I discovered Corkulous could do exactly what the teacher required with out using paper at all.

Corkulous is very easy to navigate and use, even for children as young as third grade, all the way through adulthood. Corkulous has a desk drawer, or toolbox function. You tap on the drawer with you finger to open it, and you can access any of the supplies in the drawer. You can take out different colored sticky notes and pin them to your board. You can label the note with a title and then type or write with your finger or stylus, as much as you want on the note. You can create as many notes as you want in any color you want and move them around on the board by simply dragging them with your finger. You can organize your notes in folders or rows/column, the sky is the limit. There are no small pieces of paper to keep track of or potentially lose. It is also fun to create each cork board. Corkulous allows you to create as many cork boards as you want.


Corkulous also allows you to import items from your device to pin on your board. You can import picture, text, items you may have created elsewhere and organize them. You can also create to do lists and cross things off as you complete your tasks.

There is a Corkulous Education app that costs $6.99 and allows you to use Corkulous in the classroom. It is a great tool for organization or as a graphic organizer. The free version of Corkulous is Corkulous Professional. There is a website, but it only explain what Corkulous does, and directs you to download the app on iOS devices. There are many videos online that offer tutorials on how to use the app, not only for the purpose of demonstrating how to use the app, but also ideas on what it can be used for.

I have included a link to a video tutorial on how to use Corkulous.

Overall, I love Corkulous and think it benefits anyone, especially students with organizational issues.


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