September 21 – In class writing

Image Source:

global.authorName. “{{(Global.pageOgTitle) ? Global.pageOgTitle : Global.pageTitle}}.” Pulitzer.org, 2022, www.pulitzer.org/winners/photography-staff-associated-press. Accessed 21 Sept. 2022.

The image above displays a chaotic protest near the CNN centre in Atlanta on 29th May 2020. The blurriness, smoke and low light high-angle photograph where the protesters are clashing with the police, trying to abstain from creating a disturbance in public showcase their true feelings about the death of George Floyd. He was choked to death by a white Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin on 25th May 2020. This led to nationwide protests where civilians exhibited their grief, and anger and revolted against the police. “I can’t breath” was one of the last words Floyd said before his death which was later expressed as a metaphorical slogan by the protestors who rebelled for equal rights and justice for the marginalized black communities.

The image involves numerous details that bring out several perspectives to the table for the audience to interpret. The centre of the picture shows a dark-skinned officer stretching his hands toward a protestor’s face which may bring out a sense of police officers irrespective of their personal interests, committing to their job of maintaining peace and helping people to abide by laws. The division between the cops and protestors also shows the differences between their ideologies and beliefs. The image also produces the dilemma of right and wrong as there are considerable aspects the audience requires to evaluate before choosing the side they support.


Group work on Sentence fragment:

Jaden Mae Comia, Alex Kersten, Aaman Shah

The sentences below appeared in papers written by students. Act as their editor, marking a C if the sentences in the group are all complete and an F if any of the sentences in the group is a fragment. Then correct the incomplete sentences on your own to complete them.

_F___ 1. Then, I attended Morris Junior High; a junior high that was a bad experience.

__C__ 2. The scene was filled with beauty. Such as the sun sending its brilliant rays to the earth and the leaves of various shades of red, yellow, and brown moving slowly in the wind.

__C__ 3. He talked for fifty minutes without taking his eyes off his notes. Like other teachers in that department, he did not encourage students’ questions.

__F__ 4. Within each group, there was a wide range of features to choose from, so it was difficult to distinguish between them. 

__F__ 5. A few of the less serious fellows would go into a bar for a steak dinner and a few glasses of beer, and after this meal, they were ready for anything.

__F__ 6. It can be really embarrassing to be so emotional. Especially when you are on your first date, and you feel that you should be in control.

_F___ 7. The magazine has a reputation for a sophisticated, prestigious, and elite group of readers. Although, that is a value judgment and in circumstances not a true premise.

_F___ 8. In the seventh grade every young boy goes out for football, so he can prove to himself and his parents that he is a man.

__C__ 9. She opened the door and let us into her home. Not realizing at the time that we would never enter that door in her home again.

_F___10. As Christmas grows near, I find myself looking back into my childhood days at fun-filled times of snowball fights, and to think about this makes me happy.



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