September 27th – In Class Writing

Please take a look at the APA7thSample Format document under Week Six Module to familiarize yourself with an APA paper overall. Once you go through it and understand the key points, go to another document (CitationRhetoric file) and see the major differences between MLA and APA in terms of in-text citations and References.


Key differences between APA and MLA:

  1. While referencing a book/magazine/article in APA, it is required to mention the author’s name, publishing year and the page number of the reference while in MLA only the author’s name and page number are musts.
  2. In APA citations whenever you use a quote or paraphrase someone’s ideas you are required to include their name and publishing year while in MLA, you have to name the author.
  3. MLA citations are more organised where a number is used at the end of a reference which guides us to the citations provided in the notes. On the other hand, in APA there is no number used and the citation is provided immediately after the reference.



Group Work: Elizabeth Perez and Aaman Shah


  1. What Do International Students Think and Feel? Adapting to U. S. College Life and Culture by Jerry G. Gebhard. Page 23. 2010. University of Michigan Press, located in Ann Arbor, Michigan.

When adapting to college in the USA international students may feel a little out of place due to cultural differences. There are many ways for faculty of colleges to make their international students feel more comfortable. In Gebhards text he argues “Reaching out to faculty and peers for academic and cultural support and regular participation at social events become key factors to help international students mitigate culture shock in U.S. colleges and universities.” (Gebhard, 2010, p. 23). 

  • Interview by telephone with Helen Mar, who is Chinese, about her experiences as an international student. Boise, Idaho. June 30, 2011.

Interviews are not required to be added under the reference list. Instead interviews can  be cited in text like so; (H. Mar, personal communication, June 30, 2011). 

  • “ Culture Shock” by Toni Mack, p. 188. Published in Forbes magazine in May 1997 on pp. 188– 90.

Mack, T. (1997).  Culture Shock. Forbes, 188– 90.

  • Janice C. Simpson’s article, called “Chronicler of Culture Shock,” which appeared in Time on May 8, 2006, on p. 156. Obtained online from the Academic Search Premier database on Feb. 9, 2007.

Simpson, J. (2006). Chronicler of Culture Shock. Academic Search Premier, 156.

  • “ Going to Teach in Prisons: Culture Shock” by Randall Wright. Published in a journal called Journal of Correctional Education, volume 6, issue 1, in March 2005 on pp. 19– 38. Appeared online in the database Academic Search Premier on December 15, 2010.

Wright, R. (2010). Going to Teach in Prisons: Culture Shock. Academic Search Premier, 6(1), 19–38.




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