11/18 – In Class Writing

I read Jamye’s blog. Jamye and I both talked about his experiences led to problems in his life later on. We both discussed how he let that one experience affects his whole life. Jamye wrote about how he should educate others and that is not something I talked about in my reflection. I think it is important to educate others and I am glad that Jamye wrote about that. I focused on more about Gregory didn’t have a father figure in his life, while Jamye discussed all of the issues. We both talked about how it is wrong that a teacher could be talking so rudely to a student and how Gregory shouldn’t be ashamed because of something he cants control.


Historic Event

In 1947, Pakistan and India split into two countries. They had some sort of war which led to the countries splitting into two. I’m not sure how this affected India, but I know this led to many issues regarding travel. If you or a parent was born in Pakistan, then you are legally not allowed into India. I did not know this until recently, and I found it very interesting.

I have always heard stories about the split from my grandpa. Pakistan became a Muslim country while  India became a majority Hindu country. In my opinion, this split was a positive event. I think it was positive because otherwise there would be civil wars and issues. This event occurred a long time ago and benefited so many people and it is sad that people had to suffer because of it. I feel bad for the people that had to suffer, but I am glad everything turned out for the better.


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