Thinking about S4

In the Ted Talk by Chris Anderson he expresses his ideas that a presentation should transmit one main idea which is the formulation of many ideas.  I think that for a successful presentation this should be the formula.  Thinking about my own S4 presentation I was thinking I would do something having to do with government because that is what I am most interested in.  Personally I think that informing members of the community on a topic they might not know very much about is helpful and ultimately will help create change at the government level.  In light of the resent election there has been much debate on the usefulness and even purpose of the electoral college.  By learning more about this topic I would be able to advocate for or against the changing or even eradication of that system.  I think that most people do not really understand why the electoral college was just into place and what its real purpose is so by explaining these aspects to people we as a country could make changes that help everyone and create a more fair system.

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