When we visited the SFMTA meeting to discuss the plan for the creation of a bike path on the Embarcedero I thought it was going to be a forum where members of the community were going to come to talk about the project and their ideas or concerns.  I was surprised to find that it was just room with posters explaining the project.  I thought this was more helpful and really gave me a better idea about what the project would look like and the effect that project would have on San Francisco and especially the tourist industry.  Also I think it was very helpful that people were posted at each board able to answer any questions or clarify things that were unclear.  Personally I think that the best plan would be to have one side of bike lanes where the lane is larger and bikers going both south and north would use that bike lane.  I think that the plan with a bike lane on each side of the Embarcadero is a good idea but some obvious cons make me lean toward the other design.  For example the bikers riding on the side further away from the water would have to worry about crossing the cross street and this could eventually create a more expensive project because better suitable stop lights would have to be formulated to account for these bikers.  Over all I voted for the design with one bike lane because I believe it would be a better option for San Francisco.

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