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Category: Jesuit Network

Arrupe Perspectives from the Jesuit Network have a new home!

We are pleased to announce that starting this September, “Perspectives from the Jesuit Network” will be a project of the International Association of Jesuit Universities (IAJU) in collaboration with the University of San Francisco, approved by Fr. Michael Garanzini, S.J., former secretary for higher education of the Society of Jesus.

This project emerged as “USF’s Arrupe Initiatives Community Perspectives” at the beginning of 2021 in response to the need to listen to other voices and broaden our view of the context in which we live. Precisely, the reading of the “signs of the times” has been key in the way of proceeding of the institutions of the Society of Jesus around the world. Hence, the interpretation of reality and responding to it in an assertive, compassionate and engaged fashion has been fundamental to concretize the Jesuit university mission. 

Our team celebrates the collaboration between the IAJU and also with the McGrath Institute for Jesuit Catholic Education, in order to share articles from leaders of Jesuit apostolates that bring us closer to other realities, broaden our perspective and strengthen our international Jesuit community. 

Look forward to our next article by Dr. Ana García-Mina Freire, Vice President of the Comillas Pontifical University of Madrid! and check out previous articles here

Our community perspectives are still open to all students and members of our community, Become a Social Justice Writer and share YOUR unique perspective or write to our editor Maria

Perspectives from the Jesuit Network: One year coexisting with Covid-19 in El Salvador

We invite you to read the article by Fr. Andreu Oliva de la Esperanza, S.J.,  president of the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) José Simeón Cañas in El Salvador. This perspective exemplifies the Jesuit institution’s commitment to social justice during the COVID-19 crisis. 

One year coexisting with Covid-19

One year ago, on March 11, 2020, we received notice from the Ministry of Education that we had to close the university for students to prevent the spread of the pandemic caused by Covid-19 in the country. At that time, no case of coronavirus infection had yet been identified in El Salvador. Still, President Nayib Bukele was already taking many measures to prevent the virus from reaching the country. The decision was not a surprise; we expected it but not so soon, we had just started the academic year three days before, and no transmission cases were reported. We had prepared for this possibility, and at the beginning of March 2020, we had constituted a crisis committee to formulate a plan in case of an emergency. We had to take the necessary measures to prevent the spread of the virus in the university community and organize the continuity of our academic and social outreach work if the university was closed, as had already been done in some European countries. Thanks to the crisis committee’s work and the previous training of UCA teachers in the use of LMS platforms, on March 18, classes began again in the virtual modality. It was even more complicated when on Saturday night, March 21, President Nayib Bukele, on national radio and television, decided to implement a mandatory home quarantine until April 21, which was later extended until June 15. It was a tough three months, as we were prepared to offer the online courses but not to manage the online university. We had to make great efforts to modify the computer systems to use them from home. But some operations could not be done online, and a group of colleagues had to continue coming to the UCA, with special permissions to move around and maintain essential administrative tasks.

At the same time that we adapted to this new reality imposed by the coronavirus, the UCA continued with its mission of defense of human rights, especially important in those months, since the decision to place in quarantine centers for 30 days all those who arrived in the country, including deported migrants, resulted in severe violations of human rights. In those quarantine centers, several of our compatriots were infected because the conditions were not adequate. Healthy people were mixed with people infected with Sars-Cov-2, and some people died due to a lack of adequate and timely medical attention.

To know better what was happening in the quarantine centers, the Institute of Public Opinion of the UCA did a survey among the inmates, by which we had first-hand information, which left evidence of the critical deficiencies of these centers and of the diverse violations to the human rights that took place in them. 

Especially important has been the work of the university radio station, the YSUCA. It has never ceased its informative and formative work, adapting to the new circumstances, using videoconferencing platforms for interviews, and always offering the possibility for the population to have a radio station where they can share the difficulties they are going through. In the first months of the confinement, the biggest concern, especially for the poor, was the lack of food. But throughout the pandemic, the main problem has been the lack of drinking water in thousands of homes.

The same was done by the Audiovisual Center of the UCA, which implemented small informative programs and transmitted them through its youtube channel. The objective is to keep the population informed and communicate hope and tranquility. The official governmental position has been very negative, transmitting messages that have caused a lot of fear and insecurity in the population.

In May last year, as they say popularly, “it rained on us” with the arrival of storms Amanda and Cristobal, which caused severe flooding in the country and left thousands of families homeless. The UCA promoted a campaign of solidarity with these storm victims, which met with an incredible response. Despite the pandemic, people were very supportive, and with this, we were able to help our colleagues who had suffered damage to their homes. Also, we help with clothing and food to the communities of La Chacra that were hard hit by the rise of the Acelhuate River. This was a beautiful expression of solidarity and fraternity amid serious difficulties, which speaks very well of these people’s generosity.

To make matters worse, the Government and the Legislative Assembly entered into a permanent conflict, unable to dialogue and reach an agreement for the population’s benefit. While the government applied measures that violated the Constitution and took advantage of the health crisis to strengthen its control, the Assembly tried to legislate for the protection of health workers, to guarantee the human rights of the population, to demand that the government account for the use of the extraordinary resources requested by the executive to face the pandemic. During this conflict, the Legislative Assembly elected five civil society organizations, among them the UCA, to form, together with members of the government, a directive that was to propose how to invest the two billion dollars that the Assembly approved to the government to face the crisis. After two months of trying to do the job, the five organizations resigned from the board since the government continued to make decisions independently and refused to provide information to the board of directors of which we were part.

The health crisis has resulted in an economic crisis in which about 80,000 jobs have been lost, and thousands of self-employed workers have been badly affected. Despite this, people are moving forward and fulfilling their civic duties. On February 28, people went out to vote to elect mayors and deputies. The election favored most of the New Ideas party, the party of Nayib Bukele, which now has tremendous power in the country. It controls the executive, the legislative, and more than half of the municipalities. We see much danger in the accumulation of tremendous amounts of power, as the lack of transparency and totalitarian attitudes are all too common in both the president and his party, so as a university, we must remain vigilant to continue working in defense of democracy, freedom of expression and fight against corruption.

A conversation with Fr. Chepe Idiaquez, S.J., president of the UCA

On this occasion we had the opportunity to talk with the president of the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA) in Nicaragua, Fr. José Idiáquez, S.J., about the relevance of education and the commitment of Jesuit universities.

During the conversation, Fr. Idiáquez, S.J., commented that the horizon of Jesuit universities has to be the commitment to the oppressed majorities, with the objective of transforming society stating: “A university cannot be at the service of the status quo. It is not about being rebels without a cause, it is about the university forming professionals who are truly humanized; to not enter into the mercantilism of knowledge; that the institution can unite social commitment with academic rigor.”

For him this implies that the university must opt for the poor and the marginalized; the university cannot be impartial. In that direction, Fr. Idiáquez, S.J.  mentioned that the Jesuit institution he leads has suffered the consequences of this option for justice and social commitment, “The UCA is living in its own experience that the option for the poor in an oppressive regime like that of Daniel Ortega and Rosario Murillo one does not have the right to think and a university in which one thinks is a danger. The government takes advantage of hunger and the poorest people to beat universities and young students who protest for the rights of society.”

It is important to remember that the Jesuit university in Nicaragua has publicized various attacks and threats by the government of Daniel Ortega towards the University. Denunciations that have been supported and joined by the Conference of Jesuit Provincials in Latin America (CPAL), the Association of Jesuit Universities in Latin America (AUSJAL), and other institutions of the Society of Jesus.

The rector remarked during this conversation that: “The UCA is being hit in its university autonomy because the government has taken financial resources from us and continues with intimidation processes so that the university stops being a critical voice in the country. However, the UCA has a clear option for refugees, migrants, abused and harassed women, political prisoners, because the Jesuit university cannot reproduce social inequalities.”

Fr. Idiáquez, S.J., invited the students to continue their formation through reading and critical thinking,  to contribute significantly to society and fight against oppression, racism, classism, and social exclusion.

Likewise, he pointed out that current students do not feel capable of studying or with the possibilities of doing so, with the purpose of being cornered into being cheap labor for companies. In view of this, universities must offer opportunities (scholarships and support) to young people; this is part of the commitment to social justice to which they must commit.

Short Bio by CPAL:

Fr. José Alberto Idiáquez Guevara SJ is currently president of the Universidad Centroamericana (UCA). In 2001, he was Provincial Superior of the Society of Jesus in Central America. In 2001, he received an honorary doctorate from Seattle University for his humanistic work.

Born in Nicaragua in 1958, Fr. Idiáquez holds a degree in Philosophy and Social Sciences from the Free Institute of Philosophy and Sciences of the Society of Jesus in Mexico. He also has two master’s degrees, one in Theology from the UCA in El Salvador and another in Social Anthropology from the University of Austin, Texas.

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