Fastest Woman Alive : Denise Mueller

The story of Denise Mueller is super inspiring. I enjoyed the article very much because her story shows that even when some people think its too late to pursue their dreams, hard work and dedication can make the impossible become possible. The way Denise forgot about cycling, and years later when she found herself in a mid-life crisis picked it up again is very cool. When I was younger, I always wanted to be in the NFL, yet I changed my aspirations to be realistic, but I wish I never had, and that I had pursued football and worked as hard as I could to achieve that dream because Denise shows that you can do anything. With the NFL, it is a little different because the oldest player ever to play is 40, and that was a kicker, while I want to be a quarterback and I am already 19 with 1 year of football experience. It is unlikely, but I will take away good life lessons from this article.

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