Self-assessment for first speech

My speech was alright. I went over in time by a lot which I tried not to, and I didn’t think I made eye contact with the audience that much, but I did get the audience to laugh and got them involved at the end with my pros vs cons game. I was nervous when I first started, but I felt more comfortable after a little bit of talking. I think I got my point across, that having a bike is a good way to travel for work in San Francisco. Also, I think I showed good credibility since I explained how I have struggled with transportation, and have had experiences with the public transportation and Uber.

My goals for the next project are to be more comfortable with the audience, make better eye contact, and try and stay within the time limit. I learned from watching other presentations that its good to keep the audience engaged and laughing, and make the presentation relatable to them, as they won’t care if it can’t be related to them. Overall, I thought it was a good speech and I look forward to improving on my next one.

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