First Speech Outline

Chase Bailkin

Speaking of Bicycles

February 13, 2017

Speech #1 Outline

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. Tell the class who you are (name, age, origin, major, goals)
  3. Explain the reason you chose the topic (how biking will help your job)
  4. Explain your job
  5. Start slideshow
  6. Give reasons on the difficulties of travel in San Francisco
  7. Tell personal account of being late to an appointment
  8. Provide reasons on why having a bicycle is a better way to travel
  9. Show pictures of nature
  10. Show picture of fat guy who lost weight
  11. Explain the negative effects of having a bike
  12. Make a pros and cons list of having a bike right now
  13. Determine if having a bike would be worth it
  14. End slideshow with a quote and a smile and ask if there are any questions



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