Second Speech Outline

Chase Bailkin

Speaking of Bicycles

Jonathan Hunt

March 6, 2017


Second Speech Outline

  1. Open with question: how many of you know who Lance Armstrong is?
  2. He is a former road racing cyclist who won Tour De France a record seven consecutive times from 1999 to 2005
  3. Tour De France is the oldest and most prestigious bike racing event in the world
  4. Armstrong beat testicular cancer in 1996, and went on to become the most recognized cyclist in the world
  5. His image was defiled when, after years of allegations, he admitted to using performance enhancing drugs during all seven years of victories
  6. His close friends and teammates tried to turn him in, which made him very angry and ruined many relationships between him and his friends and his fans – he is banned from cycling forever
  7. This is an example of a big problem that many professional cyclists in this generation commit
  8. Many professional cyclists use performance enhancing drugs such as testosterone, blood transfusions, and Erythropoietin which give these riders unfair advantages
  9. Riders are banned from professional competition for life if they are caught, like Lance Armstrong
  10. It is an epidemic and ruins the integrity of the sport and ruins the true competitiveness for riders who don’t dope
  11. From 1998 to 2013, 12 Tour De France winners have been linked to doping and 65% of the top ten riders in this time period were also linked to doping
  12. Random drug tests are administered to prevent the use of these drugs, but infusions and blood transfusions cannot be tested
  13. Hopefully more measures are taken so that we can enjoy the sport in its purest form and people who work the hardest can be rewarded

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