Rendell , “An Ocean of Air”

The relationship between individual and team is that each individual must work not only for their individual purpose, but also for the other individuals. A team is a group of individuals working for each other. This is the beauty of what a team is.
A time where I was on a team is when I ran cross country in high school. During the cross country season, me and my team would mostly train together. We would not train together all the time because sometimes individual training would be best for this sport. When we do run together, we would always support each other. We would make sure that each runner would stay with the group and not lag behind. During our races we would cheer for each other, going to different points on the trail so that we can cheer for them multiple times. A time when I sacrificed my own benefit for my team is when I dropped down to JV for a race. This was so that I can help JV’s time and position.