Strickland, “ What Every Kid Wants”

My thoughts on Strickland’s “What every kid wants” article is great. I think Strickland’s stories and ideas of one-thing bikes are amazing. I loved the essence and nostalgic feel it brought. Made me think about the times I had as a kid and brought back many distant memories and emotions during my childhood. Each story was interesting and was heart-warming when reading about the different personal experiences with biking.


As a kid, I remember riding bicycles a lot, I remember that once I finally got it for the first time it was such a satisfying feeling and a feeling that I enjoyed. I remember wanting to go out with my cousins and ride around the neighborhood and even when we were not allowed to ride around the neighborhood. I would still ride around my backyard in circles and circles until I got dizzy or simply tired. My experience is similar to Strickland’s story (on page 28) in a way that I really value it and a bicycle is a friend in a way that it is always there for you when you need it and is something that will always be by your side and something you can generally rely on. Something that will normally always bring joy to your side.

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