March 21, 2017 – Journal Entry

How important is audience to you as a speaker?

  • as a speaker, my audience is the single most important thing. As a speaker, the whole reason I am up is to present information to them and depending on the type of speech you are doing. get the audience engage, interested and in some cases to even make them think differently about a certain topic from when they first walked into the room. However, no matter what the topic is, being a speaker you must keep audience engage and interested in you and your message.

What kinds of audiences do you want to talk to?

  • audiences I’d be interested in speaking too would be audiences of business members, people interested in the topic I am talking to or students, kids, people willing to learn and open to hearing new information.

What will be some of the difficulties in making an impact on your chosen audiences

  • Some of the difficulties in making an impact on chosen audiences are the stereotypes given from the audiences to the speaker, overcoming that along with people that are just different from you can be a struggle and difficulty. Also connecting with people with different mindsets and thinking can also be a struggle.


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