Memorial for Helen Wang

4 thoughts on “Memorial for Helen Wang”

  1. Miss you, my friend. Gleeson is not the same without you. Kelci, thank you for a lovely tribute.

  2. Thank you so much for creating this blog. It does capture my dear Helen. She truly loved her job at Gleeson. She would come home and tell me about the interesting books she handled at work that day. She cared so much about doing perfect work without mistakes. Many wondered why she did not retire. The reason is that she loved going to work. She loved the books, she loved her friends at work, and yes, she loved basking in the sun on the lawn during lunch………. and her bocce ball trophy is proudly displayed on the mantel at home……

    Jim…her partner.

    1. Jim, I am so very sorry for your loss of your dear Helen. Thank you for telling us about her love of the job. It’s hard to believe she won’t be back at work any day now, in a cubicle next to mine. I especially miss her infectious laugh.

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