Gleeson Library was busy this summer with construction projects and much has changed! Several USF departments have moved into the library and new study spaces and classrooms have been created. As a result, a few of our smaller collections have shifted into new spaces within the library, but the greatest impact was on our bound periodicals. In order to accommodate the new operational needs of the building, it was necessary to relocate our bound periodicals – roughly 95% of our print periodicals collection – to an off-site storage facility.
Though this relocation of bound periodicals is permanent, Gleeson Library is committed to providing fast and efficient access to these materials. Faculty and students can request specific articles from our periodicals through our document delivery services. Additionally, we encourage faculty and students to search for full-text access to articles via Fusion as there is some duplication of content between our bound periodicals and electronic databases.

A small portion of unbound periodicals remain available in the library. Current newspapers and popular magazines are still located in the south half of the second floor. There is also a small collection of unbound materials that are temporarily located in the northwest corner of the second floor at the end of the H call number range. Once new shelving has been erected, the permanent location of unbound periodicals will be in the northeast corner of the second floor.
Do you have any questions or comments about this change in service? Leave a comment here! You can also talk to us in-person at the library, call us at 415-422-2662, or chat with us online.